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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1690. Carta de Manuel Gil de Palacio para Francisco de Miera.

Autor(es) Manuel Gil de Palacio      
Destinatario(s) Francisco de Miera      
In English

Letter from Manuel Gil de Palacio to Francisco de Miera.

The author warns Francisco de Miera about Lope de Frías´ wrongdoing in regards to the use of the hacienda´s profits.

In 1690 Leonor de Velasco, the testamentary of the countess of Siruela, issued a lawsuit against Lope de Frías, the countess´ nephew, for abusing the profits from Agoncillo, which belonged to Siruela´s earldom. As the heir of the palace located there, Lope de Frías had taken ownership of two thousand bushels of bread and one thousand ducats in order to renovate the building. However, the testamentary, who was also the beneficiary of those revenues, alleged that Lope de Frías had no right on those properties since he was not the owner, but a pretender to the estate ownership. Indeed, at the time, he had pending litigation against Francisca de Velasco for that matter. To prove Lope´s actions, the testamentary provided two letters. Lope de Frías did not attain his goal and in the following years he maintained a litigation for the ownership of those lands.

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