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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1829. Carta de João Geraldes de Matos, prior, para Dona Gertrudes Caetana da Cunha Fialho.

Autor(es) João Geraldes de Matos      
Destinatario(s) Gertrudes Caetana da Cunha Fialho      
In English

The author asks the addressee and her husband to leave him alone.

The defendants in this process are Maria Isabel Barreto de Pina and Gertrudes Magna, both accused of stealing in the house of the Counselor José da Cunha Filhado, who had passed away. The complaint was presented by Gertrudes Caetana Fialho, sister of the deceased and married to João Paulo Fabre. Due to the lack of evidences, the defendants were considered not guilty , but the complainant contested the decision. The defense argued that the letters presented as proof of guilty had no value, since most of they didn’t even have stamps. Some of the letters were believed to have been written by the complainant’s acquaintances or by herself, Gertrudes Fialho. The process contains a petition signed by the people of Torres Vedras, on the defendant’s behalf.

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Illma Senhora Torres Vedras 16 de 7bro de 1829.

Recebi a de VSa de 12 do Corrente, q prezo, e esti-

mo; e tendo de responder ao seo Contheudo, devo
affirmar a VSa, que qdo fui notificado pa de-
por o Escrivão não tinha em seo poder a
Licença de S Emcia Como verá nos
Autos, nem comtava que havia; e se o Seo
Procurador a tem nunca ma mostrou , e
foge de mim, e me alnda desacreditando por
toda a parte injustamte, como pouco
aconteceue nas Festas de N Sra da Naza-
reth em S Pedro da Cadeira, huma
Legoa em distancia desta Villa - Infeliz
V Sas tem mto boas testemunhas
de ouvir dizer, e milhor o explicão as Cartas
de Rodrigo Antonio de Faria, q V Sas
ja mandarão juntar aos Autos.
As minhas Cartas Illma Senhora

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