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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1688]. Carta de [fray Diego Galindo] para [fray José de Salazar].

Autor(es) Diego Galindo      
Destinatário(s) José de Salazar      
In English

Letter from Fray Diego Galindo to Fray José de Salazar.

The author begins the letter expressing his joy for the addressee´s good health, from whom he received a letter.

In 1691 the second lieutenant Andrés Rojo addressed a brief to the Council to report some criminal offences affecting a number of neighbours from Barcia de Santa María. He specifically accused the sisters Dominga and María de Soto of cohabitation and procuring. Two sons resulted from these relationships, one from each sister. However, the whereabouts of María de Soto’s child remained unknown. Bernardo de Moreira and his wife were accused of the crime of consenting their daughter’s cohabitation, María de Moreira. Besides, Bernardo was blamed for his grandson’s disappearance. Francisco Moreira and Andrés de Sirvida were responsible for the abduction of Catalina Diz, who was violently raped by a religious. In addition to all these serious crimes, other minor offences like cattle-rustling were reported. The inquiries carried out by the case instructors led to an increase of guilty neighbours for participation and concealing. During the investigation, the houses of the defendants were searched in order to seize property for bearing the expenses of the trial. As a result of the search, three letters were found and confiscated in Dominga de Soto´s house. The interrogation of Francisco de Moreira Cambeses and Juan Moreira offered the instructors interesting clues about the letters. They both declared they read the letters, since Dominga could not read, however, they just knew about the one sent to the latter. Juan de Moreira was the one in charge to answer this letter. Knowing that piece of information and the evidence, noted by the witnesses, that Dominga’s cohabitation involved a religious (whose name is mentioned only once in the process), they proceeded to her interrogation. Regarding the cohabitation crime, the defendant tried to hide her lover identity, who was also her daughter’s father. Instead, she gave a false identity to the investigators. According to her, her daughter’s father was one Manuel de Sotomayor who had passed away. Nevertheless, after being pressured, she revealed the identity of Fray Diego Galindo and recognized he was the author of the three letters. The process was closed with a large number of convictions. In Dominga de Soto’s case she was punished to one year exile and a pecuniary fine.

Regarding this letter’s addressee, at the beginning of the letter there is a reference to a religious, therefore we surmise that it would be Fray José de Salazar, guilty of the cohabitation crime with María de Soto and María Moreira.

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Page 15r

Señor Pe Cura y mi Amigo

A siete del corriente recibi una de vmd en q veo goca

muy buena salud; de q me alegro mucho, por aca todos la te
nemos, gracias a dios, salvo mi sarna, de q en otra que ja
vmd abra recibido, daba quenta. estimo el afecto y buen
deseo de vmd que se es cordial, y si hubiere dicta de
volver por alla, crea vmd que por mi no faltara que
a la verdad no se que tiene esse Reyno, que ninguno
sale del descontento, y todos no ven la ohora de vol
ver a el. En quanto a las Missas digo que no he teni
do otro aviso, mas de las 50. que vmd me mando
in illo tempore acomodase; que luego se hico assi, con q
ahora, y luego acomodare otras 50. que con todas se
ran 100 y la satisfn dara vmd a mi señor D
Domingo y si fuere neceso acomodar mas, con el
aviso de vmd lo hare puntualmte en la pasada
daba, digo suplicaba a vmd me hiciese fabor de
dar a D Domingo cinco ducados, y estaran bien dados a
cuenta de las missas, y aviseme si tiene algo mas
recibido, que de todo quiero dar satisfn con mu
cho gusto gusto,porq no ignoro quanto debo a todos los
amigos, demele vmd my mem y ocho abrazos,
q a josepiña, que me alegrare mucho tengan en
tera salud. seis dias abra supe como nro se
ñor fue serbido de llevar para si a D Pedro de
Salazar su tio de vmd escribi a nra madre pa
ra q me avisasen si abia alguna cosa particu
lar para escribirla, y solo me dice el Pe Abad
dixo 500. Miss mas que se detendran hasta que
sean si ay de que cobrar, porq juzgo se allo poco, doy
esta noticia a vmd y el pesame, que a la verdad lo
hemos sentido todos por la perdida de tan buen a
migo vmd como entendido sabra llevar este golpe, pues
no dudo a sido grande para vmd, y sera muy sensi
ble por la falta que ha de hacer. Por aca el vino pasa
por ocho y medio, siendo tan malo, y el pan con mucha
comodidad. Sus campos de Arlando se an arrompido a
instana de nro Rmo P que es valiente labrador, y en
la casa siempre se hacen obras, y em particular de pintu
ras y esculptoria. La cueba de casa de la Reyna a sali
do estremada y las gracias se deben dar a fr Manuel que
lo a trabajado con primor y a poca costa

y adios

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