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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

[1553]. Bilhete de Pero Pardo, mercador espanhol, para Andrés de Casanova, seu criado e caixeiro.

Autor(es) Pero Pardo      
Destinatario(s) Andrés de Casanova      
In English

Instructions letter from Pero Pardo, a merchant, to Andrés de Casanova, servant and salesman.

The author tells the addressee what to testify before the Inquisition.

Pero Pardo was a Spanish merchant from Burgos who was persecuted by the Portuguese Inquisition in 1553, along with his servant, Andrés de Casanova, under the accusation of sodomy. Pero Pardo tried to reach the servant in prison with notes telling him what to say and sending him some ink for him to answer back. They had been living in Portugal for 23 years (the merchant) and 13 years (the servant).

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 72Br


dyz ho sor q por synall

q dormistes em casall
de hũa molher pobre e q
lhe destes tostão pola
menhã e por synall q
q lhe esqueçeo ho seu lequeo de prata em mõte
mor ho novo e por synall
q achou mtos pyolhos em seu
guabão e vos nhu e por ys
to podeys dar credito de todo
ho q vos eu dyxere de hũa par
te a outra e asi q dormieys
elle na cama e pratyca


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