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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1828. Carta de Ángel Muñoz para [Manuel López, capitán de caballería].

Autor(es) Ángel Muñoz      
Destinatário(s) Manuel López      
In English

Letter from Ángel Muñoz to Manuel López, a cavalry captain.

The author warns Manuel López that they have a lot of enemies, and that impedes him from giving the addressee all the information about his business by letter. He also recommends the addressee not to expose his wife to any risk.

The General Police Administration was closely monitoring the activities of foreign citizens residing in Portugal, also controlling their communications, in collaboration with the superintendent of the Posts. This letter is part of this intercepted correspondence from those Spanish military and intellectuals who, fleeing the absolutist Spain, had taken refuge in Portugal and were suspected of harboring liberal ideas and of plotting to overthrow Fernando VII and establish a constitutional regime.

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qe u ynvia no rremito los negocios qe ovla
n en mi poder qe pueden ser ynterestes
a su ovligacion y asi u determinara yo
Espero en esta aunqe es con perJuicio qe lo
mesmo ocurre por mi casa qe en la de u
y asi u mire a evitar las qe a todos nos vi
en vien, qe ay Muchos contra nosotros sien
pre confianza y ara con mayor motivo.
a su Sra esplesiones y no ysponerla
qe ay en el puevlo Mala familia y me
alegro de la conpañia de u qe andava u
Mal solo por Muchos estilos.

Sienpre suyo

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