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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1774. Carta de Pedro Antonio Barrera y Montenegro, cura rector de Pozuelo de Calatrava, para fray Manuel del Carmelo, religioso de la orden de los Camelitas Descalzos.

Autor(es) Pedro Antonio Barrera y Montenegro      
Destinatario(s) Manuel del Carmelo      
In English

Letter from Pedro Antonio Barrera y Montenegro, priest rector of Pozuelo de Calatrava, to Manuel del Carmelo, friar of the Order of Discalced Carmelites.

The author writes Manuel del Carmelo speaking badly of the friars and notifying him the payment of a clock.

The defendant of this process was Bernardo López Pastor, priest of Valenzuela de Calatrava (Ciudad Real), accused of heretical propositions between 1777 and 1780. During a conversation between Bernardo López Pastor, fray Manuel del Carmelo and Pedro Antonio Barrera y Montenegro, priest rector of Pozuelo de Calatrava (Ciudad Real), Bernardo López Pastor allegedly showed himself to be scarcely prepared about some matters of religion and sacred history, which led fray Manuel del Carmelo to denounce him to the Inquisition tribunal. In addition, Manuel del Carmelo had a letter from Pedro Antonio Barrera y Montenegro, where the latter condemned the actions of all the friars. Manuel del Carmelo handed over the letter, which was joined to the proceedings. Consequently, Pedro Antonio Barrera y Montenegro was also accused of heretical propositions.

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Mi R P Consultor salud, y Grazias

yo quedo bueno; y lo mismos el sr her
mo Man Pastor y toda su familia
a quienes hare prestes sus expresiones
yo me ofrezco, como spre a su disposion
Amigo siento mucho el qe a vm
le aia engañado un fraile, porqe no
siendolo vm es mas sensible; yo ase
guro a vm qe essa raza no con facili
dad me engañara, ellos no pueden dar
de si otra cosa mas qe la de engañar
â Hombres de vien pac i a escarmentar
en lo sucesibo Rvi el relox Dios quiera
venga como vm me dize, y se mantenga
seguro: remito a vm los 14 rs de su costo
o compostura, el propio va pagado le di
3 rs vm perdone, y mande en cosas de
su agrado a este su sego capn dara vm
memors al pe Gallego, y aDs Amo Cordl
cuia vida ge Ds m a Pozlo eno 29 de 74

B L M de vm su mas afto servr y capn
Dn Pedro Antoni de Barrera y Montengro
Mi R P Consultor

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