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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

[1720-1730]. Carta de Francisco de Ocaña, boticario, para Isidro Sánchez, labrador.

Autor(es) Francisco de Ocaña      
Destinatario(s) Isidro Sánchez      
In English

Carta de Francisco de Ocaña, boticario, para Isidro Sánchez, labrador.

Letter from Francisco de Ocaña, an apothecary, to Isidro Sánchez, a farmer.

Joseph Navarro, a physician, was accused of sacrilege and sorcery by the Inquisition, because of a denunciation letter written by Francisco Sánchez in 1724. Joseph Navarro was accused of having a strange behaviour, as it was claimed by his wife Alfonsa Sánchez, and to possess forbidden stones. The addressee of the letter, Isidro Sánchez, testified that he had reproached Joseph Navarro for his attitude towards his wife, telling him that he would have denounced him for the forbidden stones he possessed and for sorcery. After this episode, Isidro Sánchez received a letter from Francisco de Ocaña, an apothecary, who wrote him that he had insulted Joseph Navarro and that he had given him the stones in order to prepare medicines. Francisco de Ocaña declared that he had known Joseph Navarro for many years, being a physician and apothecary like him, and that this had brought him the stones so he could prepare certain medicines. However, he could not do it, because Joseph Navarro wanted the stones back to give them to his confessor, who had accused him of sorcery. In order to defend Joseph Navarro, he had written this letter. Eventually, this letter and the stones were handed over to the Inquisition by Francisco Sánchez, nephew of Isidro, which had been who had made the denunciation. The proceedings are incomplete.

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Señor mio y amigo Joseph Navarro como vmd sabe

emos corrido con amistad y passando a mi cassa por
un medicamento me dijo como abia tomado dos piedras
de un passajero las cuales me dio diziendo si me eran a
mi de algun util y yo le dixe que entraban en algu
nos enplastos y la tome con el buen conzepto que
sienpre e echo de el amigo como me pareze le puede
tener por no aber allado en su modo de tratos mas que la
berdad y no otra cossa y assi siento mucho que vmd,
como tan prudente se aia zegado de colera para bitu
perar a quien tanto a estimado como a mi me consta
Dios entre en anbos y los concuerde a su serbizio co
mo puede y yo deseo

de vmd sdor q s m b
Isidro Sanchez

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