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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1632. Carta no autógrafa de Francisco Navarro de Eugui, obispo de Huesca, para Miguel Donat, presbítero y comisario del Santo Oficio.

Autor(es) Francisco Navarro de Eugui      
Destinatário(s) Miguel Donat      
In English

Letter dictated by Francisco Navarro de Eugui, bishop of Huesca, and sent to Miguel Donat, priest and «comisario» of the Inquisition Tribunal.

The author thanks Miguel Donat for some cakes this sent him.

The accused in this process was Miguel Donat, vicar of Casbas de Huesca (Huesca) and «comisario» of the Inquisition Tribunal. In 1639 he was accused by the Inquisition Tribunal of Zaragoza of having a relationship with Ana Agustina Lope, nun of the Santa María de Casbas convent (Casbas de Huesca, Huesca). The letters sent to him by the bishop of Huesca, Francisco Navarro de Eugui, were handed over by the priest Pedro San Martín and were joined to the proceedings as a proof that Miguel Donat was esteemed by important people. The proceedings are incomplete, so we cannot know if the accused was eventually condemned and which was the sentence. However, some witnesses testified that he was innocent and that the lawsuit had been started as a revenge for the designation of Brianda de Urriés y Castilla as the perpetual abbess of the Santa María de Casbas monastery.

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Page [429]r

y los comere con mucho gusto por la buena voluntad
con que Vm los envia y la brebedad que ha puesto
y cuydado para q quedase regalado yo hago d esto
la estimacion q es razon y lo mostrare en las
occassiones q se offreceren de su conveniencia admito la
continuacion con el coste. ge Dios a Vm como puede y
deseo etc Huesca a 21 de Febrero 1632

Encargole a Vm entrañablemte procure en sariñena la paz y assiento

acerca de la predicacion de las diferencias de la Villa y clerigos, haciendo
officio de Angel de paz pues nro sr le à dado pa ello talento.

el obpo de Huesca
Dor Miguel Donat

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