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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1630]. Carta de don Rodrigo de Mendoza, duque del Infantado, para don Juan de Escobar, tesorero.

Autor(es) Rodrigo de Mendoza      
Destinatário(s) Juan de Escobar      
In English

Letter from Rodrigo de Mendoza, duke of Infantado, to Juan de Escobar, a treasurer.

The author congratulates Juan de Escobar for his good job regarding the rent of an estate. He mentions a future meeting to deal with family matters and he asks him for some fabrics for the duchess.

In 1637 Juan de Escobar sued the duke of Infantado regarding a donation made on February the 1st 1633. The duke was bound to pay Escobar a lifelong pension of 500 ducats per year for his services. The aforementioned pension not only referred to his treasurer functions, but also to the financial support that Escobar had given to the duke while his grandmother and his father, the duchess Ana and the marquis of Saldaña respectively, were still alive. Despite these premises, the duke did not comply with his obligations and argued that Escobar had achieved great profits throughout his time as a treasurer, likewise he argued that the financial support was given in accordance with obligations under his own patrimony. Juan de Escobar emphasized the good work he had carried out for the house of Infantado and also his family´s work (his wife had been the countess of Saldaña´s assistant). He provided accounts and several letters in which different people mentioned his good job and the duke´s intention to favour him. The treasurer´s own annotations in the letters pointed out their authors´ inconsistencies, who wrote one thing and then testified another during the questionings.

In the superscript of the letter transcribed in here, Juan de Escobar wrote: "Letter from the duke. He tells me to leave soon because we have pressing issues to deal with and he cannot settle them without me".

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 68r


el arendamiento esta mui bien hecho y los

disgustos de mi Aguela te dire en viniendo ya
Y si vm pasa q se parta luego para cosas de im
portancia q no las puedo resolver dios
te gude

el duq

la duqsa manda q digais a Martin de Buitra

go os de nuebe siete baras y media de tafetan sen
cillo noguerado de Valencia q tenga buen anc
ho y mui buen color y q lo traigais mas y tam
bien dice q de los botones no vinieron mas de di
ez docenas


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