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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1638. Carta de Filipe de Sousa,religioso, para Gaspar de Brito, procurador da Mesa Pontifical do arcebispado de Braga.

Autor(es) Filipe de Sousa      
Destinatario(s) Gaspar de Brito      
In English

Private letter from Filipe de Sousa, religious, to Gaspar de Brito, attorney of the archbishop of Braga.

The author talks to his friend about his business and the payment of the vows.

This case was about the payment of vows, in the form of 28 bushels of rye, at the village of Outeiro, near Braga. The attorney Gaspar de Brito alleged that this payment should be done by all the dwellers of the village.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

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Com o sor primas falei sobre os votos

elle me respondeo q tanto
q viese logo trataria com
Vm q se fose o q o sor dom
rodrigo tinha dito se fisese
e folgei premetese este
negosio a Vm pera ter oca
ziam de ver a Vm nesta
terra o sor primas deu de
espera os de oiteiro por tempo
de dous meses


se nestas partes ouver couza

do serviso de Vm fiquo
serto e q des gde villa
de agiar 8 de junho
de 638

de Vm
Phelippe de Sousa


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