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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1636. Carta de Ana do Vale Romba para destinatários anónimos.

Author(s) Ana do Vale Romba      
Addressee(s) Anónimo387      
In English

Private letter from Ana do Vale Romba to unknown addressees.

The author asks the inquisitors to act according to the counter-enquiries she sends in attach.

This letter is one of the many diligences done by Ana do Vale Romba to defend her husband, António Barbosa, half new-christian, arrested for Judaism, along with his nephew, Manuel Barbosa. Ana do Vale Romba claimed that her husband was arrested based on the false testimonies of his enemies.

«Very honourable sirs,

Being a woman and, therefore, being unable to personally present to the Holy Office the causes of justice of António Barbosa and Manuel Barbosa, in prison for so many years, probably due to false testimonies of enemies who will be presented to you as serious ministers, concerned only with the salvation of the souls, excuses me from offering in your hands and in your names this counter-enquiry which shows what I claim above and about which I ask you, by the wounds of Christ, to require the usual diligences is such matters, so that the truth can come clear, as it is the goal of this holy court; I ask God for you. Alenquer, 6th May 635.

Ana Do Vale»

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Page 262r

Mto Illustres sõrs

o ser molher e não poder pesoalmte Repreçen

tar a esa santa menza as cauzas de justiza
de Antonio barboza e mel barboza que ha
tantos annos padesem nesa prisão, por ven
tura, por testemunhos falsos de enemiguos
que a vssrias serão preçentes como ministros
tão Retos e que tratão da salvasão das
almas me desculpa para com esta ofere
ser nas mãos de vssrias, e em seaus nomes deles
ese papel de contraditas que bem mostrão
o que asima diguo, e sobre que pesso a vssrias
pelas chagas de jesu cristo mandem fazer
as deligençias que em materias de tanto
pezo costumão para que a verdade se
saiba que he o intento dese santo tri
bunal cujo aumento das enlustres
pesoas de vosassrias fico pedindo a ds
noso snor e etc alemquer 6 de maio 636

Anna do vale

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