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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1695. Carta não autógrafa de Dom José Afonso de Meneses, Arcebispo Primaz, para o irmão, Fradique Manuel de Magalhães, Senhor de Ponte da Barca.

Author(s) José Afonso de Meneses      
Addressee(s) Fradique Manuel de Magalhães      
In English

Family letter, dictated by dom José Afonso de Meneses, Primate Archbishop, to his brother, Fradique Manuel de Magalhães, Lord of Ponte da Barca.

The author writes to give some recomendations concerning a marriage to be celebrated.

Afonso de Meneses, 11th Lord of Ponte da Barca and the nephew of the Archbishop D. José de Meneses, filed a lawsuit in the Ecclesiastical Relation of Braga to dispatch some horses and mules kept in the stables of that diocese.

According to the proceedings, the archbishop issued a decree (1.2.1696) in favour of his nephew, amounting to 150 thousand “réis”, in order to buy João de Faria Machado’s horse. The Archbishop also asked the Mitra’s treasurer to hand in to his nephew 220 thousand “réis” to buy the two male dunkeys from José Pereira de Eça. Since the uncle passed away meanwhile, none of these procedures was concluded.

During the trial, the Archbishop was considered to have been perfectly sane at the time of the events, despite his chronic disease. His actions were motivated by the fact that his nephew was intended to marry Dona Antónia de Bourbon, daughter of the Count of Avintes. The marriage took place in May 1969. All these facts were clear and attested in the letters presented as evidence in court.

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Meu Irmão e meu s recebi

a vossa carta deste correio
com hum contentamento mui
conforme às alegres noticias
que nella me dais, não so
de vos continnuar perfeita
saude e a minha Irmã, mas
tambem do adiantamento
em que supponho se achará
o nego do cazamento, visto haveres
remettido a procuração.


No que toqua a cazas

como me fallavas em querer ter
a noiva nessa visinhansa
entendia, q era na vossa
mesma caza, o que de nenhua
sorte convinha, nem pa a sua
assistencia, nem pa as visitas
da minha Irmã. As de Gouvea
me parecem bem; e vos podeis
ficar nas que a ellas se seguẽ
ou nas do Mourão: e quando
pa esta paraje haja embaraço, o que vos tenho dicto de Quinta, me
parece mal. Tambem me parece bem o que me dizeis determinaes dispor
a respeito do preparo de cazas e de criados, e assim o confiava da vossa
grandeza, e do vosso entendimento; Code entendeu q neste
principio o quererias, como não dexava de convir, e a este
fin fazia conta mandarvos mullas, não de algumas
de caza, mas fora as mandava procurar, e entende se achara
mas vista a vossa Resolução, vos não mando pa caza
couza, q sem ser de serventia faça gasto em ocazião

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