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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1672. Carta de Abigail de Brito, [dona de roça], para Francisco de Medina.

Autor(es) Abigail de Brito      
Destinatário(s) Francisco de Medina      
In English

Private letter from Abigail de Brito, [owner of farm] to Francisco de Medina.

The author tells the recipient about what she had embarked for him, also alluding to the scarcity of goods and making some requests.

Given the suspicion that the Sephardic communities were trafficking goods and information to the detriment of the English Crown, several ships coming from or going to the Netherlands on their behalf were intercepted. In fact, the provisions in the Cromwell Navigation Acts prohibited the commercial contacts of the English colonies with the Netherlands, Spain, France and their overseas possessions. The proceedings that were initiated, under the guard at the Supreme Court of Admiralty, arose in the context of four moments of great tension between those two powers: the 2nd Anglo-Dutch War (1665-1667); the 3rd Anglo-Dutch War (1672-1674); the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763); and, finally, the 4th Anglo-Dutch War (1781-1784). The documentation found on board and preserved in the archive - private correspondence and cargo records - was taken as documentary evidence of the practice of cargo smuggling at sea. The letters described here are also demonstrative of the quality of the relationships within Sephardic families (Jews and converted), with the existence of strategically distributed social networks: on the one side, the settlers positioned below the Equator, more precisely in one area of the West Indies’ Seven Provinces (in the Caribbean), as part of the Dutch overseas territories; on the other, family and business partners, located in the main ports in the North Atlantic, important centers of financial and commercial activities. Incidentally, in some of these letters we may observe the occurrence of loanwords of English and Dutch origin belonging to the lexical-semantic field of trade relations. Examples of this are “ousove” and “azoes”, for the English “hoshead” or the Dutch “okshoofd”, an ancient measure of volume. In the present case, we have a set of letters that were transported on board the Dutch vessels Het witte Zeepaard, Bijenkorf, Fort Zeeland and Gekroonde Prins. They were coming from the port of Paramaribo and bound for an important and strategic port of the Company of the West Indies - Flushing, in North America - through the Caribbean.

In this specific letter we find direct allusions to the simultaneous production of others, sent from the same household - PSCR1481 and PSCR1482.

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Moices nasi por eu estar bem acupada com custura
por ser bespora de pascoa, agora quis mas que foce
de noite fazer esta neste navio que me dicerão hia
esta somana para lhe manifestar o mto sentimto meu
de faltar navio dem que poca saber novas de Vms a
tantos tenpos o sro Ds por quem he mas mande de
que Vms todos gozão a saude que eu lhe dezejo a sua
caza ha mister e que tenha Vm tido boas novas do sro
beixami que como quem tanto estima suas couzas
me custa o cudado devido a falta de suas novas queira
Ds mandarnolas de pases pa que com ellas tenha eu
o gosto aunque de tão longe de sua boa comonica

No Navio pacado caregei 20 las em 3 ouzus grdes

e dois baris piquenos para Vm se embolcar da letra
que pacei, por não poder mais a Vm, queira Ds chegue
em pas que espero inda que tenha o custo do seguro
chegue aos 250 floris da letra que espero Vm paga
ria como lhe mereço, que inda que espero Vm
tenha ja Recebido de Joze pecoa o que faltava pa
o que me tocava a mi de sua promeca tomara que iço
me viera em farinhas e hua poca de carne que lhe
juro a Vm por vida de todos os meos filhos avera
sinco meces perecemos e não somos nos sos se
não em geral por a falta de navios que se ouvera
a Vender bendito o nome do sro Deos bem o podia
mercar que não me farto de o louvar que se Ds
quer dentro de 6 meçes não ei de de ver nada
de negros nem de nada na terra e emos de ficar
com 8 negros bos na Roza fora a de caza com
que espero em Ds em o estando fundarme

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