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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1708. Carta de Manuel de Santa Leocadia, religioso confesor, para su hijo de confesión Pedro Pablo Díez, boticario.

Autor(es) Manuel de Santa Leocadia      
Destinatário(s) Pedro Pablo Díez      
In English

Letter from Manuel de Santa Leocadia, a priest and a confessor, to Pedro Pablo Díez, an apothecary.

The author writes his parishioner Pedro Pablo Díez, of whom he is the confessor, to tell him about what has happened to him lately, about his health and about other people.

Between 1708 and 1711, Pedro Pablo Díez was accused of being a deceiver and a deceived. This process is related with the one filed as legajo 105, expediente 04, a lawsuit against Manuela Ramos (PS6143 and PS6191); and with the process filed as legajo 104, expediente 07, a lawsuit against Manuel de Santa Leocadia, also known as Manuel de Paredes, a discalced Carmelite friar from Toledo.

The accused, from Alhóndiga, worked as an apothecary in Yepes (Toledo) and was married with Petronila González. He had a daughter from a previous marriage, named Paula Díez, who is mentioned in some of the letters. Thirteen letters were joined to the proceedings. The first two (PS8127 and PS8128) are independent from the others, and were seized from the writing desk of the accused when he was arrested. The other letters were handed over by Petronila González. The accused claimed that he did not decide what he had written in the letters, because he let himself be guided by Manuel de Santa Leocadia, who was his confessor. He related that Manuel de Santa Leocadia ordered him to write down everything he gave him during the confession, every eight days. He also claimed to have invented the visions he had described to his confessor to generate his interest in him.

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Quiera el Altisimo dios que na

da se haga que no sea de su agra
yo hijo mio he passado unas Pas
quas tontas algunos dias sin decir
missa y pidiendo commutacion del
rezo me a parecido necessario el
hacerlo porque e estado muy en
deble si mi tibieza y flogedad
no me a engañado harto lo sen
tire. mi enfermera de los cielos y
Me de mi alma me assiste a las
comidas y en otras muchas ocassiones
si no puedo comer me anima q lo ha
ga aunq no tenga gana y si como
algo q me sabe bien hace q dege
algo y conozco q esta mi apetencia
es por lo gloton q e sido y bebo
rroton y conozco es grande miseri
cordia Dios me haga templado
en todo. mucho difficulta el le
bantarme la vigilia de navidad a
prima a la chalenda y ir a may
tines y fui si quiso dios y en la missa del gallo el niño dios juzgo
se reclino en el corazon de aquel sugeto y todo el dia andubo con
el. mucho reparo q en las tres missas de navidad me halle
reparado y sin frio conq vino bien la calentadura dios se lo pa
gue a quien mando entrase en calor a el sacerdote. aora es menes
ter q el sr de luz y acuerde lo que sucedio a aquel sugeto juebes en la
noche desde las nuebe cassi hasta las doce tiene de costumbre an
tes de dormirse recogerse con su Magd o con su leocadia de su alma y

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