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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1596. Carta de Sebastián Suárez Ponce, canónigo, para Antonio Cortina, contador mayor.

Author(s) Sebastián Suárez Ponce      
Addressee(s) Antonio Cortina      
In English

Letter from Sebastián Suárez Ponce, a canon, to Antonio Cortina, an accountant.

The author complains for the difficulties he is having to go back to Spain due to a mistake in the sending of the money from Antonio Cortina.

In 1602 the distribution of the assets from the duke of Alcalá´s inheritance was completed. Several creditors claimed their right to be compensated. Sebastián Suárez Ponce de León, a rector at the College of the Society of Jesus, was among the creditors and he claimed 2000 ducats, given that he was the duke´s solicitor for his business in Rome between 1585 and 1595. He presented the accounts books and several witnesses backed his claim. Besides, after the trial had began, certain letters exchanged between Sebastián Suárez Ponce de León and the duke´s accountant, Antonio Cortina, were also presented. The College applied for the letters to be admitted as exhibit. María de Montalvo, Antonio Cortina´s wife, registered her husband´s documentation and provided eleven letters that were also included in the litigation. Finally, the court ruled in favour of the plaintiff and the the duke´s executors had to pay 1200 ducats.

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yo estuve esperando muchos meses en Roma A que

vm fuese servido de pagarme por aconmodar
mis cosas y fue causa de que no pude Alcan
sar las galeras de espana y uve de enbarcarme
en una de la sa de genova la qual despues
de aver padecido grand tormenta y libradome
dios milagrosamente de la muerte y de
otros muchos peligros vine A apasar A esta
isla donde solamente me queda la libertad
y en el padecer es vida de esclavo las desconmo
didades q se padecen y estoy aqui con gran dis
gusto en pensar q todo este trabajo uviera es
cusado si vm uviera sido servido de rematar
mis quentas como el marques y la consulta
se lo avia ordenado pero A lo ordenado doy
Asi por mis pecados Aunq no lo merecia
lo mucho q yo e servido esa casa por respeto
de vm suplico A vm y si esto no esta ya A
cabado se acabe luego y tengame vm con
pacion Al trabajo q por esta causa estoy
q sera redimirme con pagarme mi dinero
q para muchas cosas tengo d el nesesidad y
suplico A vm me encomiende A dios que

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