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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1556]. Carta de Mayor de Pimentel para su hermana Brianda de Tovar y Rivadeneira.

Author(s) Mayor de Pimentel      
Addressee(s) Brianda Tovar y Rivadeneira      
In English

Letter from Mayor de Pimentel to her sister Brianda de Tovar y Rivadeneira.

The author informs her sister of her present circumstances and of her efforts for not remaining in Valladolid after the Court left.

Around 1587 Mayor de Pimentel claimed her rights to her parents inheritance against her grandnieces, who were represented by Fernando de Seijas´ widow, Aldonza de Ulloa. Mayor was one of the five daughters of Antonio de Tovar and Blanca de Pimentel. Once they passed away, the eldest daughter, Brianda de Tovar, and her husband, Fernan Pérez de Aseijas, took control over the properties and urged Mayor to renounce to the fifth part that belonged to her. Mayor assured that she had been mislead, since she was under 25 years old at the time and she had received a poor compensation of 400 ducats. Likewise, she had been forced to marry to Luis de Sotomayor. Consequently, she had decided to sue Brianda in 1577 and the Court of Justice ruled on the legitimacy of her claim. Aldonza de Ulloa appealed the judgement and presented several letters addressed to Mayor de Pimentel proving the later was receiving financial help. However, justice ruled in favour of Mayor for the second time. She had to receive the fifth part of the goods left by her mother.

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muy magca señora

Reçebi la carta de vmd y aunq en ella me

Riñe tanto me olge de v saver de la salud
de vmd q este me diçe q esta vuena y el señor
herna perez tanvien plega a dios sienpre
vaya adelante. pareçeme q vmd esta muy
qjosa de mi porq e procurado de salir de a
qui todo lo q vmd me diçe y aconseja en este
caso tomo yo como de mi sa y ermana mayor
y quisiera mucho tener quinçe años atras pa
ra servir a vmd en estarme aqui otros diez
q siendo de tan poca edad no sintiera tanto
las cosas q aqui se pasan de muchas maneras
y aunq como vmd diçe q emos pasado peor vida
en casa de mi madre es verda q en su casa
avia a veçes mucha neçesidad pero aqui
contino se pasa esa y otros mil millones de
travajos en q se pierde onRa y vida y animo
ya yo soy muy vieja para servir a don
de tan poca onRa y enteres se gana por tanto
supco a vmd no tenga pena de q yo deje esta vida

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