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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1676. Carta de Catalina Gertrudis de Jesús María para su sobrino Francisco Antonio Porcel de los Cobos.

Author(s) Catalina Gertrudis de Jesús María      
Addressee(s) Francisco Antonio Porcel de los Cobos      
In English

Letter from Catalina Gertrudis de Jesús María to her nephew Francisco Antonio Porcel de los Cobos.

The author asks her nephew not to postpone visiting master Espinosa, she is convinced he will find in him the spiritual comfort he is seeking for.

In 1674 Francisco Antonio Porcel de los Cobos brought before the Justice his claim for the possession of the entailed state founded by Luisa de los Ríos (his paternal great-grandmother). At the time, the state was being managed by Fernando Melchor Amador de Lezcano y de los Ríos, a first cousin of the plaintiff´s alleged father. Admittedly, the claim was based on Francisco Antonio Porcel´s filiation, who assured being a natural son of Antonio Porcel and Antonia Godínez. In addition to the title deeds contemplating the direct legitimate line of succession, Francisco Antonio Porcel guaranteed to have a document signed by his grandfather, Francisco Porcel de Molina, proving his filiation. The defendant party presented several allegations in order to defend themselves from this claims. At first they focused in procedural questions, such as Fernando Melchor´s jurisdiction or the illegality of Francisco Antonio Porcel de los Cobos appearing before the Court as a poor man. However, the most relevant contradictions revolved around the plaintiff´s identity and filiation. First of all, they denied the defendant´s name as being Francisco Antonio Porcel de los Cobos and assured his real name was Francisco Martínez Peñalver, after the woman who mothered him: Catalina Peñalver, also known as “tía Peñalver” (aunt Peñalver). On the other hand, they doubted Antonio Porcel´s paternity, given that it was well known that Antonia Godínez had lived in an unlawful way and had had frequent affairs with several men, amongst them, her future husband, Antonio de Yzcara. But above all else, they insisted in the not genuine character of the document allegedly signed by Francisco Porcel de Molina. They based their argument not in the calligraphic survey, but in a testimony that referred to falsification of documents in exchange of money. Likewise, they provided witnesses who assured that the defendant was never treated as a relative or as Antonio Porcel´s natural son at Porcel´s household. Francisco Antonio Porcel de los Cobos provided several exhibits in order to prove his claim. Apart from the aforementioned documentation, he also presented letters proving he was treated as family by the Porcels (through his aunt, Catalina Gertrudis de Jesús María) and by the Godínezes. Besides, he had a statement from Fray Juan Godínez, Antonia Godínez´s brother, in which a detailed account of Antonio Porcel and Antonia Godínez´s relationship was given, including a document signed by Antonio Porcel in which he expresses his commitment to marry the girl. Nevertheless, Fernando Melchor argued against these testimonies and, quite specifically, against the letters. He not only considered them fake, but also not evidentiary, as well as complicating Francisco Antonio Porcel´s testimonial ratification. Therefore, in the case of Catalina Gertrudis´ letters, he considered they did not prove a previous acquaintance, given that she was aware of her nephew´s existence only after the correspondence began. And that seemed to be the case for the rest of the relatives, according to the information from the letters themselves. This opinion was shared regarding another group of letters written by Juan de Escabías Caravajal, not only because they were definitively false, but also because the defendant considered them not valid due to his litigation with the author´s sister, Francisca de Carvajal. In 1679, the Chancellery of Granada ruled that Francisco Antonio Porcel de los Cobos had not proved sufficiently his claim. The sentence was confirmed by the Council after taking it through a review process.

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Page 27r

Jhs ma Jph

Sean siempre en el alma de Vmd mui estimado y

querido sobrino de la mia que mui en ella e rrezibido es
pezial gozo con sus cartas de Vmd agradeziendo a mi
sr el que goze de salud mi dio sobrino su diva mgd la prospere
con copiosos aumentos de su sta grazia


esta carta rrezibi a el correo pasado de mi primo don po luis la

que vmd le escribe le rremitire con cuidado estimare el que no di
late mucho la visita del mo espinosa que el correo pasado me
escribio mi ha la me capuchina como de achaque de un corrimi
ento en la pierna se abia de poner en cura conque estara en la
cama y asi sera forzoso aunque mi querido sobrino se mortifique el
que por hazerme mrd vaia a su casa y le lleve mi carta visitandole
de mi parte que bien zierta estoi que como Vmd le hable i le trate con
llaneza y claridad las cosas tocantes a su conzienzia que a de quedar mui
consolado y con toda satisfazion y aliento pa servir ian y amar a Dios
mui de todo corazon segun mi ha me asegura del grande fondo de
esptu d este siervo de Dios y el grande fruto que haze en las almas
mui afectos rrecados rreziba Vmd hijo mio de su Ra que rrezibio
mui grande consuelo con aber visto sus cartas que con todo cuidado pi
de a nro sr por el feliz suzeso de ese pleito que si no le a de ser impe
dimento pa su salvazion salga la sentenzia en su fabor es mui devota
del sto angel de la guarda i me pide le procure una vitela o estan
pa de papel pequeña que pueda poner en el diurno no la e podido ha
llar si a mi sobrino no le a de servir de mortificazion y quisiere pe
dirsela en mi nombre a nro pe fr Diego i si se la da llevarsela escri
biendole unas letras al sto mo espinosa suplicandole la que se la
rremita a mi ha sera esto mui grande fabor quedando de nuebo
obligada a encomendar a Vmd a nro sr i por si vmd no a podido
mi querido sobrino de los rrelijiosos de nra serafica orden informarse de las indulgenzias que se ganan con la estazion de unas me
morias de letra de molde que tenemos e sacado ese traslado vealo vmd i en enterandose de lo que se gana si le pareze se la puede rremitir
a mi angel de mi sobrina que tendra mas lugar y espazio que mi querido hijo embiandole mis afectas memorias que le suplico las tenga
de encomendarme con toda fineza a nro sr con cuia vida mi su mgd prospere la de Vmd por felizes y dilatados años haziendolos
mui ssmos baeza d este Convto de sta cata de francas rrecoletas de Abril 21 de 1676

De mi querido sobrino
quien le estima con ygual
afecto y desea todo su bien
Jhs Cata gertrudis
de Jhs ma

De su Ra nra me Abba rreziba vmd mui afectos rrecados que no descuida su Ra de ofrezer las stas ora

ziones i meritos d esta sta comunidad por la sentenzia de ese pleito que salga con brevedad
en fabor de mi sobrino mi Dios nos lo conzeda si be que conviene a mi sa doña Josefa i a nro pe fr Diego veso las manos estimando sus memorias


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