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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Syntactic Trees

[1830]. Carta enviada por um preso da Cadeia do Limoeiro, que se assinava José Maria Cigano, Capitão de Quadrilha, para Manuel Teles.




Manuel Teles                        


Manuel Teles recebe nova ameaça de morte.

Tree tree-10 = Sentence s-12

agora faça o q quizer

Move your mouse over the leaves in the tree to get info from the corresponding word in the sentence.

IP-IMP ADVP ADV Agora VB-SP faça NP-ACC CP-FRL WNP-1 D o WPRO que IP-SUB NP-ACC *T*-1 NP-SBJ *pro* VB-SR quiser . .
sentence listto text mode • tree style: text - sentence - brackets - table - table graph - vertical graph - svg tree • previous sentencenext sentence