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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1684. Carta de Joaquín de Molina y Torres, labrador, para su suegro Gabriel Lorenzo Toribio, labrador.

Autor(es) Joaquín de Molina y Torres      
Destinatário(s) Gabriel Lorenzo Toribio      
In English

Family letter from Joaquín de Molina y Torres, farmer, to his father-in-law, Gabriel Lorenzo Toribio, farmer.

The author tells the recipient about sending the mule and the circumstances of this trip.

On July 15, 1583, some men from Granada that were carrying money and different goods (taffeta, silk scarves, etc.) to Madrid were assaulted in the vicinity of Tembleque. The investigation that followed revealed that, in the nearby house shared by Gabriel Lorenzo and Joaquín Molina (respectively, father-in-law and son-in-law), there were some pieces of taffeta, which Gabriel Lorenzo said were due to a miracle brought about by the Virgen de Gracia. Moreover, the recent prosperity of these poor farmers also fed the neighbors suspicion. Such evidence led to more search in their house, and further proof of the robbery was immediatley found, as well as the letters that were later included in the lawsuit. The two daughters of Gabriel Lorenzo (one them was Joaquín Molina's wife) were also included in the proceedings, since both had been seen getting rid of several pieces of taffeta, previously hidden in a backyard jar.

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A Gabriel Lorenzio Toribio guarde dios prosperos y feli ces años etca En tembleque

La mula remito Porque al presente segun a dado la muestra de la benta de ser mui mala y ia que nos allamos en esta tiera queremos acer la feria de Camora Por ber si podemos despender la ropa es a 22 de mayo y asta entonces si estubiera la mula por aca toda se fuera mas la costa. tanbien adbierta vmd que no se labre un par de medias de torcal porque no ai quien de un cuarto por ellas y si se labrasen presto vmd puede despenderlos en esa billa o pasarlos a madrid. tanbien adbierta que aunque sea todo a trucos no me e de bolber un par a esa billa que esa mira llebamos a Camora mirando llebar liencos mui baratos para reducirlos a trigo. panadero se dexo arrimado el torcal. dios guarde a vmd en compañia de mi catalina y Bayadolid 28 de 1684 años

yerno de vmd Joachim de molina y torres



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