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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1802. Carta de José Fernando Gutiérrez de Prado para Carlos Quiroga.

Author(s) José Fernando Gutiérrez de Prado      
Addressee(s) Carlos Quiroga      
In English

Letter from José Fernando Gutiérrez de Prado to Carlos Quiroga.

The author warns Carlos Quiroga that he will go to his house to collect the money that Carlos Quiroga owns him.

The accused in this process was Carlos Quiroga, from Castro Caldelas (Orense). In 1809 he was accused of insolvency by Juan Pérez Gutiérrez and his sister María Pérez Gutiérrez, from Hospital de Quiroga (Lugo). José Fernando Gutiérrez de Prado, father of the plaintiffs, had borrowed 4,102 reales to Carlos Quiroga, and his sons demanded the repayment of the debt, claiming that their father, now deceased, had never collected it. Carlos Quiroga claimed, however, that José Fernando Gutiérrez de Prado had already collected the loan and that, therefore, the debt had been repaid at that moment. To prove it, the defendant brought the letter here transcribed, claiming that, at the time of collecting the money, José Fernando Gutiérrez de Prado included the following line as a receipt, in his own handwriting: «by this, and by a certain obligation, he owes me nothing». Before this test case, the plaintiffs claimed that that note referred to another debt. 1r-v). Carlos Quiroga died during the process, so it was his widow Maria Manuela Salgado and Losada who had to take care of demand.

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Rabal oi martes 8 de Junio de 802.
Mi estimado amigo:
salud y mems
tengo determinado mi viaje a Santiago,
mañana salgo a dormir a Drados en caballeria qe me viene de trives y el Jueves temprano voi a esa de vmd pa recoger dos mil dosctos y quarenta rs qe deposite en su poder pa esta peregrinaon
y en el mismo dia Jueves yo voi a dho trives pa entregarlos a un sugeto qe me los libra en Santiago pa excusarme de los riesgos a qe voi expuesto por mi debilidad y caminata a pie:
si vmd tiene qe salir de su casa, dexelos pa qe se me entreguen prontamte y sin hacerme mala obra como se lo escribi desde cerdeira aunqe obscuramte
y aDios asta la vista qe le de un abrazo y a la familia e
por esta, y cierta obligaon nada me deve.
Josef Ferndo

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