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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1790. Carta de Bernardo Alegre Verragudo, doctoral de la catedral de Astorga, para Miguel Lorenzo.

Author(s) Bernardo Alegre Verragudo      
Addressee(s) Miguel Lorenzo      
In English

Letter from Bernardo Alegre Verragudo, doctoral canon in the cathedral of Astorga, to Miguel Lorenzo.

Bernardo Alegre informs Miguel Lorenzo about the efforts he has made in order to have the necessary information regarding the case presented by José Valdés.

In 1790 the tribunal of the bishopric of Valladolid brought a lawsuit against Manuel Felipe García, priest of the parish of San Esteban, and Petronila Alegre, a single woman resident in the same city, for unlawful relationships. The case was then referred to the Chancellery of Valladolid where the testimonies of various witnesses were ratified. Petronila Alegre confessed that she had maintained a love relationship with Manuel Felipe García for almost fifteen years. At the beginning of their relationship, Petronila lived with her parents and she had been courted by Manuel Felipe, who had not taken vows yet, to the point that both discussed the possibility of getting married. However, the family disagreed with that possibility. A few years later, after the death of the parents of Petronila, the relationship resulted in closer contact that led to her pregnancy. On the 29th of January, 1790 the defendant gave birth to a girl who deposited at the Foundling House of the same city, and, after the postpartum quarantine, the lawsuit was bought against her and Manuel Felipe García. When asked about her source of income after the death of her parents, Petronila mentioned two members of the clergy who had allegedly helped her economically. The magistrate of the Chancellery, José Valdés, contacted them, and this brief epistolary exchange was included in the proceedings. The resolution of the case was settled with the separation of the lovers and the cloistering of Manuel Felipe García.

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[fig1] Astorga i Agto 9 de 1790

Amo mio i sr aunque no me ha contestado a mi ultima sobre el consabido asun-to, en que le devo, lo que de la Corte me havia comunicado el Alcalde de Corte Dn Jph Colon i que hasta concluirlo este mes era regular no pudieses alguno de mis sobrinos ir guardando la Persona a la Corte, para evitar a Vm toda molestia de pensa-mientos, que le ocurran sobre el mas pronto desembarazo, i que por medio de Vm pueda llegar a noticia de el sr Valdes, le incluio a Vm la adjunta de mi Ajente, i por ella vera, Vm, que aun no ha presentado por sus muchas ocupationes mi memorial al Governador de el Consejo; por lo mismo advertira Vm no ha estado por mi, pues deseo qto antes salir de esto, i corresponder, como debo a esse caballero

A nuestro Obpo de Leon le tuve en esta el 29 de el proximo pasado de convaleciente iendo a tomar baños a Galicia junto a Orense, de lo que no havia tenido noticia alguna, iba bien mudado el semblante, su color como de itericia pasara luego para su Leon de Buelta, aunque el tiempo fijo ni lo sabe el Paziente Obpo, D quiera concederle toda mejoria, i salud, aunque de viejo ninguno pasa, i la hora de llegar tiene, que es lo ocurre decir a Vm paselo Vm i mande en que pueda servirle su Amo i Coleg antiguo

Alegre Sr Dn Migl Lorenzo

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