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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1693. Carta de Felipe Castejón, capellán, para Escolástica de Céspedes.

Author(s) Felipe Castejón      
Addressee(s) Escolástica de Céspedes      
In English

Letter from Felipe Castejón to Escolástica de Céspedes.

The author, a Chaplain of Potes, writes to Escolástica Céspedes to answer a letter of hers in which she inquired him about her husband.

Francisco de Cossio was married to Escolástica Céspedes since 1670 and they both were residents of Ciudad Real. Francisco left to Potes to work and began a correspondence with his wife. In some of the letters he sent her, he asked for money and he also asked her to "dissolve their marriage" (fol. 6r). Escolástica argued she had learnt her husband had remarried in Potes. Therefore, she decided to investigate and asked Dionisio de Palacios to write a letter to Mateo Ruiz Carneros on her behalf asking for information about her husband. Eventually the case was suspended due to the lack of documents or testimonies to confirm that Francisco Cossio had remarried in Potes. This letter has some annotations on the left margin: "religious, bold and a mercenary". It could be a description of the defendant written down by the inquisitors.

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Page 9v

Mui Sra mia Consultome su carta de Vmrd el Sr sebastian de agreda debajo del secreto natural qe se como sacerdote y confesor qe soi a lo qe me obliga y debajo d esta obligazion qe a Vmrd le inpongo en penitenzia, digo qe yo soi de liebana y bien conozido en toda la probinzia, canonigo en la sta, yglesia colexial de toro y pasando por billafrea vi esta carta y a ella satisfago d esta manera.

D Frco, de cossio es escribano real natural i vo de la villa de potes qe es cabeza de aquella probinzia, bibia en balladolid, i aora como digo en la billa de potes, este es hijo bastardo de un escribano qe le fue del poio d esta billa, su padre se llamo Frco gomez de cossio su hermano mathias gomez de cossio que es el maiorazgo bibe en , este señor en potes i queda con una grabe enfermedad aunqe bien asistido de su muyer y deudos. el cura d esta villa se llama D lorenzo de corjesimier es bicario de la probincia. no tengo mas qe advertir en este punto dios gde a Vmrd billafrea i septe 26 de 1693 capellan de Vmrd que s mno Bsa

Don Phelipe Castejon

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