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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

[1692]. Carta de António Gonçalves do Sacramento, padre, supostamente para Maria Pimenta da Silva.

Author(s) António Gonçalves dos Santos      
Addressee(s) Maria Pimenta da Silva      
In English

Friendship letter from António Gonçalves do Sacramento, priest, supposedly to Maria Pimenta da Silva.

The author tells his friend what happened during a flood in the village.

The defendant in this process is António Gonçalves do Sacramento, a resident in the Algarve, priest and spiritual master of the Recolhidas of Vidigueira, and accused of pretending to have visions and revelations. There was the suspicion that he maintained an illicit relationship with Inês da Conceição, who had also been accused by the Inquisition of false visions and revelations, and who was in jail for this reason. In a letter he wrote to Maria Pimenta da Silva (PSCR0311), the priest speaks about Inês da Conceição, showing his belief that her revelations were true and pure. That letter served as proof of the priest's scandalous opinion and position towards this case, and was thus regarded as an affront to the judgment of the inquisitors. Among his less apppropriate behaviours, there was also the information that he got excited with the lewd attitudes of Inês da Conceição when she was possessed by the devil, giving in to his natural instincts. When he was confronted by the Inquisition, the defendant said he had no mortal guilt, since also the power of Inês da Conceição was supernatural.

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Nesta villa sucedeo do pro dia deste mez pa

o segundo da meya noyte até as duas horas
huma innundação de agoa q sahio por huma
das margens de hum ribeyro, e deu sobre a
villa, e levou algumas moradas de casas em
teyras con todo o movel, e outras en parte
affogou dezoyto pessoas, e as foy lançar humas
mays perto, e outras mays longe, mas algumas
meya legoa fora da villa, e assim fez aos bens
movens: he incrivel a força, e a reparteção
q esta innundação fez este estrago porpassando
todas as pessoas q se affogaram acordadas e mtas
vestidas, nem os gritos lhe aproveytaram pa q hou
vesse q lhes acudisse porq não havia filho por
pay, nem as diligencias lhe aproveytaram
os q se acharam mays longe da força da innun
dação escaparam ainda q com bom trabalho.
Levou a dita enchente mtas pontes, e searas
e arvores: e fora dos lugares aonde a innun
dação chegou, cairam algumas paredes, e
nos campos com a força da chuva nas ladey
ras se precepitaram mtas searas. Tambem
no mar dizem q tem neste inverno dado
mtas naos a costa, e na terra tem havido
mta perda assim na azeytona q se perdeo,
como nas terras q por falta de tempo se não
semeáram, e as q depoys de semeadas se perde
ram. Seja Ds em tudo louvado.


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