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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

[1828]. Carta de João Geraldes de Matos, prior, para João Paulo Fabre Teixeira da Silva, porteiro real.

Author(s) João Geraldes de Matos      
Addressee(s) João Paulo Fabre Teixeira da Silva      
In English

The author, a prior, gives information about the prisoners and ask on their behalf

The defendants in this process are Maria Isabel Barreto de Pina and Gertrudes Magna, both accused of stealing in the house of the Counselor José da Cunha Filhado, who had passed away. The complaint was presented by Gertrudes Caetana Fialho, sister of the deceased and married to João Paulo Fabre. Due to the lack of evidences, the defendants were considered not guilty , but the complainant contested the decision. The defense argued that the letters presented as proof of guilty had no value, since most of they didn’t even have stamps. Some of the letters were believed to have been written by the complainant’s acquaintances or by herself, Gertrudes Fialho. The process contains a petition signed by the people of Torres Vedras, on the defendant’s behalf.

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Page 351r > 351v

Illmo Ao, e Snr Torres Vedras 30 de Janeiro.

Depois que fallei com o Sr João Justino

tenho a dizer-lhe, que hoje pelo meio dia
foi remettida a ordem ao Coronel das Mi-
licias pa apromptar a escolta que ha de acom-
panhar as Prezas, que julgo partem ama-
nhã, ou depois de amanha: grande ma-
goa me assiste, e a muitas Pessoas! de fi-
car ainda o Pipa, a quem muitos dezejão
ver os tampos dentro; hontem mandou elle
hum proprio pa Lisboa a tirar seguro
negativo, ou da Intendencia, ou do Dezembar-
go da Paço. O D Prior de Guimaraens, Jozé
Teles, protege-o e elle tem astucias do diabo.
Consta-me que as Prezas pertendem Al-
vará de fiança, e os Facultativos lhes ne-

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