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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1754]. Carta de Maria do Espírito Santo para Francisco de São Joaquim, frade.

Autor(es) Maria do Espírito Santo      
Destinatário(s) Francisco de São Joaquim      
In English

Love letter from Maria do Espírito Santo to Francisco de São Joaquim, friar.

The author writes to her lover, but this letter was never delivered. She had written it at the time she was arrested, and then she said to the Inquisition that she had lost the will to send it. She speaks about her ailments, which could be related to her pregnancy.

Maria do Espírito Santo claimed to be haunted by the demon and was submitted to an exorcism more than once. During one of these supernatural episodes she was assisted by the friar Francisco de São Joaquim Bom Sucesso, who spend the nights with her, at her request. Maria do Espírito Santo was arrested and, while in prison, gave birth to a boy. She was condemned to being publicly whipped and sent to exile for four years, among other penances.

«My heart. I was very pleased to see you so close to give me that comfort, because I couldn’t have a bigger comfort. Praised be the Lord who favours me as He does, even though I don’t deserve it. However, since God listens to the prayers of the greatest sinners, and since I am that much of a sinner, He conceded me the will of talking to you because I most certainly came with a great pain and He didn’t want me to come with that pain. I’m very sick today, with a dizzy head and vomiting a lot. And Miss Teresa had already come here and she came back again. And she always tells me that I’m very arrogant because I don’t show her gratitude. And, when I talk to her, it’s no longer with that will that I used to. My little one, who is very [unclear] today misses you. I suppose he wants to [unclear], but I’m not in the mood for that. God, goodbye. My heart is a fool, it is not proper of a heart that carries another heart in it. Whose heart can this be other than a fool's or a madman's? Don’t distrust. Do the same yourself.»

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 82r


Meu coracão mto Folgey de o ve

r tam perto pa me da esa conso
lasão pque não podia ter otra
consolasão maior lovaDo seja
Des que não lhe o meresendo eu
tantos Favores como ele me Fas
mais como Des o mais pecadores o
ve a sua orasois e como eu sou
tanto sou pecadora poi so me
Fes a vontade de eu lhe Falar
porque sertamente vinha com
pena bem gende e asim não
qys que eu viese com esa p
ena eu oje estou mto doente
com a cabesa doda e gomita
ndo mto e a Sr tareza ja ti
nha ca vindo e torna ota v
es de novemete e a mi sem
per me dis que eu sou mto
sobeba por eu não lhe mort
ar agado eu ou Falhando
não he com acela vonta
de que lhe Falava algum
dia saudes do meu peceno
que oje esta mto ano
soponho que cer jodera
ar eu não tou pa iso Des
aDes Meu coracão e tolo
não he normal de hum coracão que tem otr
o dentor nele de qm a de ser ete coracão sen
ão de hum tolo o tolerão não deconFie Fasa o m
esmo vm


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