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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1692. Carta de António Gonçalves do Sacramento, padre, para Simão da Gama, bispo do Algarve.

Author(s) António Gonçalves do Sacramento      
Addressee(s) Simão da Gama      
In English

Request letter from António Gonçalves do Sacramento, priest, to Simão da Gama, bishop in the Algarve.

The author tells that he wrote ten letters to friends and asks that the content of these letters be known by the Inquisition.

The defendant in this process is António Gonçalves do Sacramento, a resident in the Algarve, priest and spiritual master of the Recolhidas of Vidigueira, and accused of pretending to have visions and revelations. There was the suspicion that he maintained an illicit relationship with Inês da Conceição, who had also been accused by the Inquisition of false visions and revelations, and who was in jail for this reason. In a letter he wrote to Maria Pimenta da Silva (PSCR0311), the priest speaks about Inês da Conceição, showing his belief that her revelations were true and pure. That letter served as proof of the priest's scandalous opinion and position towards this case, and was thus regarded as an affront to the judgment of the inquisitors. Among his less apppropriate behaviours, there was also the information that he got excited with the lewd attitudes of Inês da Conceição when she was possessed by the devil, giving in to his natural instincts. When he was confronted by the Inquisition, the defendant said he had no mortal guilt, since also the power of Inês da Conceição was supernatural.

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Illmo e Excelmo Sor

Athe agóra não falley a va Illma Sria no par do meu negocio, e da minha beata Inez da Conceyção sua humilde serva, q está na Inqão de Lxa. porq me pareceo, q tudo o q lhe podia dizer, serião couzas, q va Illma sria sabería, e q tudo o q lhe dissesse de mays, parecería por então incrivel, por ter contra o parecer de tantos, e tam grandes homens como se sábe neste Reyno. Porem agóra, cuido q posso dizer neste par alguãs couzas não com novidade, mas com algum fundamto pa se poderem crer, e sam as q se contem em dez cartas, q desta villa tenho escripto a alguns amigos á cidade de Lxa. pa q depoys q as lessem as pessoas, q lhes nomeava, as entregassem na In-qão da mesma, como supponho fizérão; das quáys deychey as copias na minha mão, e a de cima, e ultima dellas he a q com ésta vay, q offereço a va Illma Sria, não vão com ellas as nóve, porq o q se contem nellas, digo em summa nesta, mas qdo va Illma Sria se sirva de as querer ver, com avizo seu lhas remiterey. E como eu espéro q o fim deste negocio polas suas circunstancias seja dos mayores cazos, q se tem visto na Igreja da morte de Xpto Sor nosso a ésta parte; não me pareceo justo, sem pagar a va Illma Sria as Primicias das noticias delle, manifestallas a outra alguã pessoa, polas raxoens, q me obrigam a fazello assim, por vaçallo, subdito, e hoje diecezano de va Illma Sria a qm pesso a sua Benção, e com ella a de Ds q a va Illma Sria gde. De Loule em 31 de Agto de 1692. De va Illma Sria

Mto humilde servo o Pe Anto Glz do Sacramto



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