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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1551. Carta de Nicolao Coronel para Francisco Hernández, procurador en Corte.

Author(s) Nicolao Coronel      
Addressee(s) Francisco Hernández      
In English

Letter from Nicolao Coronel to Francisco Hernández, a solicitor of the Court.

Nicolao Coronel writes to Francisco Hernández to inform him of the delay in his letter carrying orders and of his intention to comply with whatever is necessary for their common business.

In 1558 Alonso Núñez de San Pedro, a resident of San Francisco de Quito, sued Cristobal de Barreiros, who was in Cuzco, for the theft of 8200 pesos and 50 slaves. Alonso Núñez had the support of his brothers: Pedro Núñez and Nicolao Coronel; to represent his interests before the Council of Indies. The trial began by arresting Cristóbal Barrientos in the village of Matilla and sending him to prison. The letters attached to the proceeding documentation were presented by the solicitor López de Mondragón by request of the plaintiff. The Council decided to issue a writ to take Barrientos before the Court in Cuzco.

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