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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1817. Carta de Vicente Jesús María, fraile, para un participante no identificado.

Author(s) Vicente Jesús María      
Addressee(s) Anónimo280      
In English

Letter from Vicente Jesús María, a friar, to an unidentified addressee.

The author writes an unidentified addressee to inform him that he has already received the letter he was waiting for, and to give him news about the delivery of certain books.

Vicente de Jesús María, a Discalced Carmelite friar, was accused by the Inquisition to possess forbidden books. From the proceedings, we can deduce that the Inquisition Tribunal demanded from him to obtain all the forbidden books he had seen or have knowledge of, and to hand them over to the commissary of the Inquisition, Juan Antonio Carrasco. A particular emphasis is put on the book entitled 'Eloísa y Abelardo' ('Héloïse and Abélard'). In the letters, sent to an unidentified addressee, Vicente de Jesús María referred to these books, because he was looking for them, and enclosed a list of these books. The proceedings are incomplete, so we cannot know more about the process.

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Page 7r > 7v

Pinarejo 29 de mayo de 1817
Ilmo Sor

en este mismo día, à

las doze, del día, rrecibo la de V S por
mano de Dn Xabier Olmedilla el qe
con motibo de aber estado yo fuera, aun
que aze algunos días havia ya benido
se le abia olvidado, el entregarme dha
carta, lo qe efetuo, entregandomela
cerrada y sin adbertir en ella, nin
guna macula, esto, es, sin aber llega
do, a la oblea, y dice dho caballero,
que la tenia, encerrada y yendo, a bus
car unos Papeles, se la encontro, qe tal
bez (segun se esplica pudiera aberse ol
vidado, y no otra cosa, pues dho olmedilla
es un Caballero en quien tengo entera
satisfacion) el dia dos de mayo yze
de los libros, bajo cubierta la entrega, al comisionadosario, Dn, Juan
Antonio Carrasco, el qe me dio rrecibo, y e
siste, en mi poder, mañana treinta, sal

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