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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1500-1599]. Carta do Doutor João Monteiro, [desembargador da Relação Eclesiástica], para Tomé Serrão.

Author(s) João Monteiro      
Addressee(s) Tomé Serrão      
In English

Information letter from Doutor João Monteiro, [a judge of the Ecclesiastical Appeal Court], to Tomé Serrão.

The author asks the addressee to deliver to 'His Royal Highness' a message about the identification of a Northern Portuguese monastery.

This XVIth century letter was kept in a Collection of Letters of the Portuguese National Archives together with other administrative, judicial or private documents from an unclear date. For this reason this total of four gatherings was not filed in the «Corpo Cronológico», meaning «Chronological Corpus».

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