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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Syntactic Trees

1644. Carta não autógrafa de Francisca Côta para o padre [Francisco Cabral].

Autor(es) Francisca Côta      
Destinatario(s) Francisco Cabral      
In English

Letter dictated by Francisca Côta to father [Francisco Cabral].

The author repeats to the addressee what she heard from a spirit in the mystical revelations she experienced.

Francisca Côta, also known as Francisca de Jesus, a nun who was 21 years old, was arrested by the Inquisition in 1646 under the accusation of faking to be saint and virtuous, to receive revelations from the heavens and to speak directly with angels and saints who told her things about the future.

She was condemned because of the letters she dictated, in which she described her mystical experiences.

After she was sentenced to exile in Brazil for tem years, her father plead on her behalf. He asked for her to stay in Mazagão, her homeland, because she suffered from gout. This appeal was denied to her.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Sentence s-2 Isto he o que me disse a alma;
Sentence s-3 pramte que em espanha dos simquo que ali vinhão pera se salvarem vinha padre da cõpanhia de jesus por nome franco machado, ou mel que não estandoou Lembrada Do nome mas do sobrenome, si,
Sentence s-4 disse mais que em vossa paternidade, estava sua salvasão, pois lhe tirarão a entrada,
Sentence s-5 e tres vezes lhe disse que hera v p sanctos, e que o mandasse pera homde v p quizese, que pera ali, eria;
Sentence s-6 heu lhe Respondi q o não avia de dizer a v p
Sentence s-7 elle me pedio pello amor de nosso snor jesus xpo que o disese a v p
Sentence s-8 isto he o que passa na Rial Verdade
Sentence s-9 heu o afirmo pello Juramento dos sancto evangelhos
Sentence s-10 e por eu não saber escrever Roguei a meu primo antonio pinto este por min fissese e asinasse como testa
Sentence s-11 heu o assino de hũa Crus

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