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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1737]. Cópia de carta de autor não identificado, [padre], para [Ana Maria Joaquina do Paraíso], [religiosa].

Autor(es) Anónimo449      
Destinatário(s) Ana Maria Joaquina do Paraíso      
In English

Copy of a love letter from a non-identified priest to [Ana Maria Joaquina do Paraíso], a nun.

The author tells the addressee how eager he is to meet her again and sleep with her.

A priest and a nun, Ana Maria Joaquina do Paraíso, had been lovers for two years before one letter between them (the letter here published) was given to a shoemaker by the errand woman who should deliver it to the right addressee, the nun. The shoemaker's wife showed it to a chaplain who said that the case should be investigated but also tried to alert the lovers. The nun offered good money for the letter, but the shoemaker's wife said she had burnt it. She was ordered by the ecclesiastical court to move to a different convent.

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