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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1827. Carta de Miguel Correia Cardoso de Leão Soares para Valério Máximo da Costa, administrador da Capela de Santa Marta em Lisboa.

Autor(es) Miguel Correia Cardoso de Leão Soares      
Destinatário(s) Valério Máximo da Costa      
In English

Business letter from Miguel Correia Cardoso de Leão Soares to Valério Máximo da Costa, administrator of Santa Marta Chapel, in Lisbon.

Miguel Correia Cardoso de Leão Soares was accused of falsifying the signature of the judge from Setúbal. He was also an humbug, pretending to be the registrar in the Setúbal court. Under this false identity, he wrote to Valério Máximo da Costa, administrator of Santa Marta Chapel, asking that he paid different amounts of money to his attorney.

Illustrious Mr. Valério Máximo da Costa.

Setúbal, 18th february 1827.

I hope you and all your illustrious family are in perfect health.

Last month I wrote you a letter, begging you the favour of lending me 12{#//note[@subcat="translations"]}0 "réis" to give to my solicitor. In that occasion I sent him 150, telling him that you would send him the rest, the mentioned 12$, relying on your kindness. And, in fact, I was convinced that the procurator had received this amount, but today I got a letter from him saying that he still hadn't been refunded from the 12{#//note[@subcat="translations"]}0 "réis" and the only sum he had received was the money I had sent him, which seems to me impossible because I'm sure you would either write to me immediately if you couldn't lend me the money or you would give it right away.

This way, I send this letter to Miguel Dimas himself, for you to tell him, in case you have given the money, to whom you gave it, or, in case you haven't, to please give it to Miguel Dimas, if possible. After carnival, we'll move to Almada to do the correction and on that occasion I'll pass to that village and I'll have the honour to look for you to return you the money and to thank you in person, as well as to talk about the chantry you have in Alhos Vedros.

You can be sure to have on earth a prompt servant to serve you and obey you, as someone who has the honour of being, with all the respect, your attentive and very thankful venerator.

Miguel Correia Cardoso de Leão Soares

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Texto: -

Illmo Sr Valerio Maximo da Costa
Setubal 18 de Fevro d 1827
Dezejo q VSa tenha porfeita Saude e toda a Sua Illustre Familia.
O mez passado escrevi a VSa huma Carta, rogando-lhe o favor de me emprestar 12$000 r pa serem emtregues ao meu Procurador,
em Cuja ouCazião lhe remeti 15$840, dizendo-lhe q VSa daria o resto q herão os ditos 12$ r fiado na ssua bondade,
e Com efeitto estava porsuadido q o do Procurador havia recebido a da qta máz hoje recebo Carta dele em q me diz estar ainda dezembolçado dos referidos 12$ r e q havia recebido o q eu lhe mandára, o q me parese emposivel, na Serteza de q VSa ou me respondia logo, e huma Vez q não podese, ou dava de pronto o dinheiro,
por isso fasso esta remetida ao proprio emdevido q Miguel Dimas pa VSa lhe dezer no Cazo de ter dezembolçado a da qta a qm na deu, e qdo a não tenha dado, sendo-lhe posivel dalla ao do Miguel Dimaz me fáz mto favor,
paçado o emtrudo paçamos a Almada fazer a Correição, em cuja ouCazião hei de paçar a essa Cide e tarei a honra de o procurar pa lhe Satisfazer a da qta e peçoalmte agradecer-lhe, e falarmos Sobre a Sua Capella q tem em Alhos Vedros
Ficando na Certeza de qm tem nesta terra hum Criado pronto para O servir e obdecer, como quem tem a hon-ra de Ser Com respeitto
De VSa Atto Vendor e Mto obrigdo Miguel Corra Cardozo d Lião Soares

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