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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1817. Carta de Santiago Tapia Isla para Celestino Crespo Organi.

Autor(es) Santiago Tapia Isla      
Destinatário(s) Celestino Crespo Organi      
In English

Letter from Santiago Tapia Isla to Celestino Crespo Organi.

The author writes to Celestino Crespo Organi excusing himself for not having gone to visit Manuela Toledano López and he sends word that he will go at his earliest convenience.

Following an accusation of rape against Santiago Tapia Isla, a litigation occurred in 1817. The plaintiff was Miguel Toledano, a resident of Pedrosa del Príncipe (Burgos) and Manuela Toledano López´s father. Miguel Toledano brought a law suit against Santiago Tapia, a resident of Astudillo (Palencia), for impregnating his daughter and avoiding his responsibility. Specifically, the defendant was reprimand for «under false pretences and amorous seduction he achieved the blatant design of her defilement (Manuela Toledano López´s) and triumphed over her virginity(fl. 69r)».Manuela Toledano gave birth on October the 14th 1817, although the child died not long after having been born. The plaintiff claimed from the defendant a betrothal promise and the awarding of damages caused against Manuela Toledano´s honour, good fame and respect (fl. 68)».

During the trial the plaintiff presented four letters written by Santiago Tapia Isla. The letters PS6270 and PS6271 were provided to prove there was a love relationship between the sender and the addressee. The letters PS6270 and PS6271, addressed to Celestino Crespo Organi (a friend of the couple) and to Manuela Toledano López herself, were provided in order to prove Santiago Tapia Isla´s intention of abandon her, given they were written a few days after the childbirth and their content reveals «the clumsiness and unlawful nature of his behaviour towards Manuela (fl.69r)». It is evident in the letters Santiago Tapia Isla´s intention to keep his relation with the young woman a secret, either hiding the names by using acronyms (PS6268 y PS6269) or referring to a different person on the envelope (PS6271).

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Texto: -

Cavezon y obre 21 de 1817
Amigo Celestino
recibi la mui ableciable del 14 del coriente en lo qe quedo enterado en quanto me dices.
Hoy mismo e recibido dha carta
no se me a proporcionao mejor.
Amigo siento en el alma la indisposicion de esa Manuela â qien daras un abrazo
qe el motivo de no haver yo estao en esa a la ora dicha a sido porqe de dia en Dia esperaba a mi Padre por el motivo de qe tenia qe venir á esta a pagar la contribucion.
y por ese motivo me estava temiendo a verme en un descuvierto.
pero sin embargo. Dila de mi Parte qe el dia de esta semana me bere a ber si puedo pasar.
sera muy Regular el Jueves ó biernes
si amigo adviertela qe se anime qe obras son amores las qe acostodio
tu afectisimo Santiago tapia Amigo Celestino
PD Yego de Valladolid y la e cojido en el coreo en este istante
contesto qe se anime
yo estoy a con mucha pena y dolor de mi corazon
el Jueves ô viernes lo creo verla

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