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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1660. Carta de Basco Pereira, administrador de la renta del tabaco, para su suegro Bartolomé López Telles.

Autor(es) Basco Pereira      
Destinatário(s) Bartolomé López Telles      
In English

Letter from Basco Pereira, a tobacco revenue administrator, to Bartolomé López Telles, his father-in-law.

The author writes to his father-in-law to send him different news regarding the administration of some rents and other businesses.

Basco Pereira, of Portuguese origin, was a tobacco revenue administrator. He lived alternately in Ocaña and Toledo and only travelled to Madrid for business matters. Bartolomé López Telles was his father-in-law and lived in Madrid. Basco Pereira often wrote to his father-in-law in order for him to deal with certain work related matters in Madrid. Due to his position, he also kept a correspondence with many other people. Basco Pereira was accused of judaizer and of being an abettor of an observant of the Law of Moses network, reason why he was arrested on the Corpus Christy day in 1661.The letters provided to the process documentation (5 in all) were seized from the defendant himself in the moment he was arrested. The prosecutor´s accusation is based solely in the content of the letters, given they were proof of his role as an abettor and they were written with a double language full of hidden messages. The letters were indeed full of numerous mentions to people with false names or pseudonyms that only the defendant or the addressee could know. It was due to the fact of all of them being judaizers who feared that they could be found out by the Inquisition. The prosecutor also argued that the defendant used the correspondence to support and protect this judaizer network, as can be seen from the alms he was distributing to them through his father-in-law, despite the fact the defendant was not wealthy. Basco Pereira denied all these facts during the interrogation. He tried to defend himself from all the accusations and assured that him and his family were convinced Old Christians. Eventually the defendant was condemned to penance, banishment and to pay 500 ducats for being a heretic. This letter has some underlined facts in which the prosecutor based his accusation, what indicates the underlining was made by Holy Office members.

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Texto: -

Sr Bme Lopez Telles
Por via de toledo lo hice oy mas largo no advirtiendo al correio mas como es el llegar dia mas u menos sere mas breve
sienpre entendi de tener en esta carta de vmd en que me diese muchas nuevas de su salud y si aviase ya aportado la jente que por momentos estoy aguardando su aviso de vmd
quiera nuestro sr averlas traido en paz que como vienen con papel de Paz fue bueno
vmd necesita no salir d esa para dar horden donde an de venir que lo que vmd dispusiere avere siempre por bien
Ya tengo acabado de ajustar este partido que prometo me ha costado bastantes pasos y dio pues ya tengo dho estava diferente de lo que avia entendido avere hecho a mi favor cosa de 20. escripturas de a 4 años y a 2. y algunas estan de 2 y 3 años antiguas
que quedan por aver en ellas algunas de fianças que a rrenovarense no quereran quedar otra ves a ello
faltome un lugar que no pude ajustar que fue el Canpo de quintana que quedo por adm ademas de otras dos por adm que sienpre estubieron porque gastan mas copia de que estaren arrendados y en personas que lo pagan luego
de todos ellos an llevado tavaco eceto uno que esta d aqui 13 leguas a donde ia fui y deje rrecado por escrito a que viniesen
y no lo an hecho mas dicen ai escriptura.
Conque no me da cuidado con que esta
la copia quedome este partido consumida en los lugares y sobranme cosa de 60 lb para quiebras y el lugar que valdra 50 lb que servira pa baxas de los que fueren acabando de que me doi por satisfecho
y lo que tengo negociado y esto quede solo para con vmd que yo tengo de alegar en lo tocante a las alcavalas pues en muchas partes las tengo perdido
quedame ocaña livre y algun tavaco d oja acomodado por el pdo
aya paz y salud que si dios fuere servido bien nos yra
Lo que siento que dicen se va d esta su alteza que se enpeçava agora a vender a 80 y 82 rs cada dia
cosa que de antes eran 50 no mas.
aviseme vmd largamente de todo y me mande algalia luego que no tengo ninguna y esta el puesto sin tavaco d ella
ya tengo avisado tengo mandado a Toledo 4U200 e tantos Rs y mandare dentro de 6 u 8 dias 2U000 Rs y letra d ellos.
a mi cunhado felipe dias le dara vmd de my pte mill rrecados y que por estar diperso no lo ago que sera en la pra ocasion
es quanto se ofrece
a vmd gde
Ocaña a 22 de sbre de 1660
de vmd Basco Pereira
Las cedulas Reales me vengan por vida de vmd sin falta que estoy ya Corrido de las aver prometido a tantos tienpos y no darselas pues muchos toman estanques por ellas.

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