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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1802. Carta de Jacinto Hernández, comerciante de libros, para Thomás Fabián Savignoni, responsable de la casa de comercio de la viuda de Juan Bautista Fabián.

Autor(es) Jacinto Hernández      
Destinatário(s) Thomás Fabián Savignoni      
In English

Letter from Jacinto Hernández, a book trader, to Thomás Fabián Savignoni, who is in charge of the trading house of Juan Bautista Fabián´s widow.

The author writes to Thomas Fabián Savignoni, who is in charge of the trading house of Juan Bautista Fabián´s widow, regarding a shipment of books and prayer cards he has already received and in which some books are missing. He needs information about which volumes have been impounded by the Holy Office to ask his man in Venice for the discount in the price of the books missing.

The trial against Jacinto Hernández occurred between 1798 and 1803 for forbidden books. He was suspected of binding and selling this type of books. The trial was suspended despite the fact that some dubious copies were found. The set of letters is fundamentally about books and prayer cards delivery. Some of the prayer cards were forbidden because they contained either the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which was banned, the Holy Spirit in a human form, or the image of a naked grown up Jesus child.

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Texto: -

Sra Viuda de Dn Jn Bta Fabiani
Toledo 12 de Setpre de 1802
Muy Sra mia
me alegrare qe Vmd se mantenga con salud
la qe Yo Disfruto la Ofrezco a su Disposicion.
Estimaria a Vmd que me hiciese el fabor de sacar una nota de ese tribunal o en donde se hizo la Rebision de los Libros De los Libros qe han quedado Detenidos prque me faltan algunos y pa Quando Yo escriva a mi co-responsal de Venecia saber los qe me ha de Rebajar.
Quedo en el Quidado de mandar en Quanto me despachen los Papeles
los Libros estan Rebisando y las estamps estan en este trbunal.
Discuro estaran haciendo Lo mismo
y siendo Qto ocure N S Gue su Vida m a
su Servidor Q S M B Jacinto Hernandez
Ubiese qe satisfacer algun Gasto lo hare

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