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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1700. Carta de Miguel de Sotomayor, alférez, para José Bermúdez de Castro.

Autor(es) Miguel de Sotomayor      
Destinatário(s) José Bermúdez de Castro      
In English

Letter from Miguel de Sotomayor, ensign, to José Bermúdez de Castro.

The author requires José Bermúdez de Castro to pay him 260 reales.

The lawsuit was brought in 1702 by Antonia Pardo Osorio against José Bermúdez de Castro, for the payment of a debt. The defendant owed a certain amount of money to Miguel de Sotomayor, ensign and resident in La Coruña, who died between 1699 and 1702. Antonia Pardo Osorio, widow of Miguel de Sotomayor and legitimate heir of his property, sued José Bermúdez de Castro for refusing to pay the debt she had contracted with her husband. According to the applicant, the debt amounted to 681 reales. In the process several documents were collected to be used as proofs: among them, six private letters. The first three letters (PS6097, PS6098 and PS6099) were submitted by the applicant as a proof that there was indeed a debt between José Bermúdez de Castro and Miguel de Sotomayor; the last three letters (PS6100, PS6101 and PS6102) were provided by José Bermúdez de Castro to show that this debt amounted only to 260 reales.

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Muy ssr mio
aunque tengo escrito diferentes cartas y no aber tenido Respuesta de ninguna no puedo dexar de ser molesto pues tope este propio que ba a ese paraje abisando a Vmd de como save que tiene Resivido por una libransa de Dn mateo de alban a cuyo cargo esta el Papel sellado de la villa de Pontevedra 260 Rs
los quales me abia de Remitir a esta ciud y no lo a echo,
sintire el que Vmd de lugar a que lo ponga en execusion cosa que sintire mucho
y abiendo de ponerlo sera de veras y en eso no ponga duda que no meresco tan mala corespondensia
no canso mas a Vmd solo que me le gde nuestro señor los anos de su mayor deseo
Coruña y agosto primero de 1700 años
Su Mas seguro y Rendido servidor que sus M B Miguel de Sottomayor sr Dn Joseph Vermudes de Castro

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