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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1823. Carta de uma mulher não identificada, que assinava T.G.T.M., para Diogo Fausto Reixa da Costa, tabelião.

Autor(es) Anónima69      
Destinatário(s) Diogo Fausto Reixa da Costa      
In English

Letter from a non identified woman, in the name of José Xavier, to Diogo Fausto Reixa da Costa, a notary.

The author tells the addressee that José Xavier, who cannot write, is and will remain his friend.

Diogo Fausto Reixa da Costa, a notary, Francisco Xavier de Sousa, Manuel Joaquim Madeira, a medicine doctor, and José Maria Grande were all accused of meeting at a masonry lodge and of libel against the kingdom, an accusation which the accused denied. They prosecuted the plaintiff themselves for defamation. The proceedings against them include several good behaviour guarantees given by witnesses and also two texts on the Methods to prepare gunpowder (with mercury and with silver).

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