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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1741. Carta do frei Francisco de Assis, padre, para Maria Antónia da Encarnação.

Autor(es) Francisco de Assis      
Destinatário(s) Maria Antónia da Encarnação      
In English

Love letter from the friar Francisco de Assis, priest, to Maria Antónia da Encarnação.

The author tells his lover hat he misses her and asks her to write to him.

The defendant in this process is the friar Francisco de Assis, priest, accused of "solicitação" in 1741. Francisco de Assis gave some assistance at the home of Maria Antónia da Encarnação and her family. Since she felt that he always dealt with her in a special way, in November 1740 she sent him a message, asking him to confess her. Given that she was happy with his advice, she made him her permanent confessor. On the eve of dia de Reis, 1741, he wrote her a letter, to which she replied, and the two started to correspond, treating each other as if they were siblings. As a disguise, the letters were addressed in the name of her father, Francisco da Silva. The priest then used to spend several days in her house, seducing her with kisses and hugs, convincing her that he had good intentions and that none of it was a sin. Finally, on Easter of that same year, the two had sex. After Easter, however, when she confessed again, the two had a falling out. He stopped visiting her, and Maria Antónia da Encarnação asked him to stop writing so often, which offended him. The correspondence between them declined, and they stopped seeing each other. Following this, Maria Antónia da Encarnação confessed to the priest of S. Pedro de Óbidos, who told her to go talk to the commissioner of the Holy Office, at the parish of S. João. Since she was a demure girl, who just came out of home with her mother and sisters to go to church, and was now afraid that her different behavior would raise suspicions, she asked the priest of S. Pedro to send himself her confession, written on July 7, along with a piece of paper that the friar Francisco de Assis had written with his own blood, and even some of his letters that she had not burnt. The letters PSCR1522, PSCR1523 and PSCR1524 appear to have been written before Easter 1741, which was on 25 March, because there is still no coldness between the two. The letter PSCR1521 must have been written after Easter, because Francisco mentions the events that had occurred on that day. The letter PSCR1525 seems to allude to the disagreement between the two, thus it must have been written between Easter and July, when she denounced him.

After that indictment, Francisco de Assis fled to Rome, trying to avoid being imprisoned. On his way to Rome, in Genoa, he met Pedro Duarte, a young Portuguese who had been a soldier at the service of the king of Spain, but had fled in 1744. Francisco de Assis asked him to be his companion during this trip to Rome, taking him as his lover. When they returned to Portugal, however, Pedro Duarte ran away from him and Francisco de Assis ordered that his lover was arrested, accusing him of sodomy and making efforts to release him only after he promised not to abandon him. In September 1745, Pedro Duarte told all this to the Inquisition of Évora. An arrest warrant was released in the name of Francisco de Assis, who by then was living in Elvas, where he had told another priest that he had harassed several women during confession. Franscico de Assis fled again, this time to Lisbon, on October 10, 1745. The letter PSCR1526 must have thus been written between 7 and 10 October, as the author announces he is going to Lisbon. Among other issues, he complains about the ingratitude of Joaquim Carvalho, actually Pedro Duarte, who had denounced him.

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Texto: -

Agora voz confirmareis ma adorada manna, e tudo qto posso possuir com a Da graça neste mdo, agora voz confirmareis se ahinda q nestas ptez tenha encontrado cazas q me dezejão obrigar; e algua Ma q me queira fazer seu, se me embarga a desprezar tudo, e conti-nuar o q tanto sube merecer;
pois mil portadores, q se me offerecerem, pareceme q todos seriä poucos pa voz insinuar das maz imensas, e inumeraveis saudez e manifestarvos a ma sem segda lembrca, digo sem segda, porq a vossa, ou da vossa pessoa he, e foi a primra, e unica, e com o favor Do não hei de ter mais algua; bem volo vai mostrando a experiencia;
porem hinda espero na dilação de mais tempo pa mais voz certificares de qm he o q soube, e estudou tão cuidadozo em ser unicamte vosso e de mais nimguem, nimguẽ neste mdo
este corista chegou aqui de leiria depois de vos escrever por proprio, q vai a Mafra, por qm tambẽm voz escrevo, e lhe dize, q na torna q fizesse viesse por pa me trazer a reposta;
espero ma mandeis; pa meu unico refrigerio, q tanto cuido no q me he possivel darvos todo o alivio;
vos encareça a gde q tenho em vos estar fazendo estas, obstante estar dando mehia nou-te, pois todo o sono me foge, e parece tenho maior gloria, nem consolaçä, q darvola neste pouco com as maz letras, por comprir com o dezo, q mostrais em q eu vos manifeste a ma asás mal imaginada lembrca,
pois estai certa, q esta, e nesta haveis de ver the os ultimos alentos da vida dezempenhada a verdra; palavra q vos dei, e permanece em mim pa secula seculorum.
voz mandei a sertum, que nem o leigo me deu lugar pa se lavar,
porem nisso, e em hir asim entendo voz cauzo gosto, plo mto q faço em de vós me querer servir;
he pa o lavares e romendares; pois obstante ter eu qm pa isso se me tem mto offerecido, como tambẽ o Franco precensiou; Comtudo, tudo o q tenho, e tudo o q poderei em todo o mdo encontrar, à vista de hua rica Ma e de hua adorada mana, q o ceo, e com q Dz tanto me quis do mdo todo apartar; pa mim mais nada;
e premita o mesmo sr, q esta conrespondencia, asim seja the q eu possa por incensivel experimentar o contrario.
Hoje acabei o meu habito, e ámanhã sabado o visto,
ahi parecerei todo fransä, mas sempre com todo o mdo guerra, e pax com Inglaterra;
suponho q me entendeis;
Por hora tenho mais q dizervos, senä, q fico esperando com mil cuidoz em possuir letra de ma rica manna, pois vóz sabeis o qto as estima todo o meu afecto,
he o gde apresso, q delles sabe fazer qm em nada mais cuida, q em agradarvos.
e Recommendaime mto áo Pai, à Mai, a mana Joana, com as saudes tantas vezes repetidas, à thia, e aos mais manos; e a vossa comadre, se lhe falares;
e mandaime dizer se tendes afilhada, q me dis o coraçä q tendes hua eufemia;
sempre espero vermonos pa o espo so, mas sei como ha de ser isto, porq eu hei de hir so de sta Cata pa , e queria q visseis a reposta, q da Fr Caetano da besta q lhe mando pedir,
e entä mandaima por esse proprio q foi a Mafra
e Franco qdo vier pode entä traze-la a Sta Cata,
mas sempre quero a certeza disso, pa o q mandailhe vós logo pedir a reposta, porq como eu for he necessro q mais moço comigo, do q eu.
e aDz q vou pa as Matinas,
encomendaime mto a Dz pois vos mereço toda a vossa atençä, e todo o desvello, pa satisfaçä do mto, com q sem cessar, vos adora, e a cada instante vos tributa mares de saudez;
O vosso verdro; e mais constante Frco
Dai a esse corista aqla fichadura com a chave e tudo o mais q à ella pertence isto he os perafusos; q a dẽ a Fr Thome gam de Torres vedras.
Se acazo vier besta sempre precissa, q no Do à noute esteja alguẽ na ponte q vai pa o Arelho pa pegar nella.

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