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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1702. Carta de Domingas Rodrigues para o licenciado Manuel Baptista da Fonseca, prior de São Sebastião da Feira.

Autor(es) Domingas Rodrigues      
Destinatário(s) Manuel Baptista da Fonseca      
In English

Private letter from Domingas Rodrigues to Manuel Baptista da Fonseca, prior of São Sebastião da Feira.

The author, in the context of a marriage process, declares to the prior that there is no consanguinity between the couple and that, therefore, they can marry.

Before the wedding of António Gonçalves and Agostinha Nunes, in 1702, it was claimed by a man named João Soares that their parents called each other cousin. Manuel Baptista da Fonseca, prior of São Sebastião da Feira, where the bride and groom lived, then wanted to ascertain the origins of this treatment, since the fact that their parents were cousins would constitute an impediment to the marriage. This was when he got a letter from Domingas Rodrigues, a woman about ninety years old, living in Avô, declaring that there was no consanguinity between the relatives of António Gonçalves and Agostina Nunes and that, as such, the two could marry. The impediment did not follow and the couple were allowed to become husband and wife.

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Texto: -

Senhor Rdo Prior stimarei q Vm passe com boa saude.
Senhor acerca deste negocio dese casamento diguo qui nam sei parentes co alguum mem da aguoa mem do ssal mein do pai mem da mai mem da Rapada mem da feira porquanto os pais dos ditos esposados nam eram primos d 2as mem 3os
e asim diguo que n nam sam nada e bem se podem receber
e e Eu mam posso la ir porque stou inchada das pernas
e com isto na no infado mais a Vm
oje 10 de aguosto de 1702 annos
Das Roiz

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