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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1805. Carta de Juan Francisco de Alzuru para Luis de Sosa.

Autor(es) Juan Francisco de Alzuru      
Destinatário(s) Luis de Sosa      
In English

Letter from Francisco de Alzuru to Luis de Sosa.

The author informs of a failed uprising against the Courts and the the Crown by a group of religious that took place in Seville. He alerts of the existence of splinter groups in Galicia. He also laments the persecution of a common friend and the possible interception of the correspondence.

This litigation against Colonel Luis de Sosa for statements made by the defendant in several publications, was issued by Public Security Minister Pedro Agustín de Echevarri after a denunciation made by Leon´s bishop Ignacio Ramón de Roda. In the aforementioned statements, the defendant cast doubt on the King´s sovereignty and expressed his sympathy for the constitutional regime of 1812. Sosa was made prisoner, his properties were seized and all the documents found in his house were confiscated, among which the letters provided to the proceeding documentation. In his own defence, Luis de Sosa argued his military merits as a colonel of Leon during the Independence War and the public documents in which he praised Fernando VII. Furthermore, he argued being always respectful of the current legitimacy. He qualified that ever since the abolition of the Constitution, he never showed disagreement with the King, given that he considered himself as a loyal subject. Once the letters, the declarations and the rest of the documents were examined, Luis de Sosa was acquitted since there was not enough proof of his membership to the liberal party.

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Texto: -

Sr D Luis de Sosa
Cádiz 22 de dicre año 5o
Estimado amigo:
contesto á entrambas muy apreciables de vm 1 y 22 de noviembre próximo pasado, por las que tengo el gusto de saber que al cabo y al final, magũer los obstáculos de Júpiter y Neptuno, llegó al descanso de domu suâ;
y el indecible disgusto de ver la nueva persecución que padece nuestro amigo.
Esto, amigo, me dexó en una pieza como dicen;
de quantos mas dias tarda en llegar en persona á en papel, tanto crece mi recelo de una nueva interceptacion, másime estando aqui Castaños desde el 19 del corriente.
Paciencia, y el tiempo nos lo di.
La canalla eclesiástica ha dado un estampido que nos promete grandiosas resultas.
En Sevilla se ha descubierto una conspiración que habia tramada para disolver las Cortes y la Regencia, reins-talar el Despotismo, quemar á los racionales y esclavizar de nuevo á los bestias ó ignorantes.
Se han arestado 22 entre prelados, canónigos, curas y frayles, y los esperamos por momentos con su cabeza ó caudillo principal el famoso archi-pícaro Pe Gil:
se asegura hay estensas ramificaciones por ahi, por acá, y en particular por Galicia.
Dígame vm lo que se descubra, que asi lo haré yo...
¡Qn mandara por tres meses...!
No tuvo resulta el papel de la sensibilísima Ita, la qual aprecia y corresponde á los recuerdos de vm, igualmente que las otras sobrinas.
vm ó hágalos de mi parte al Sr de Villapadierna.
En cuanto á los 60 p vm dispondrá el modo de que pueda recibir aqui
su siempre afmo amigo que de veras y sin ceremonia lo estima
Jn Fr de Alzuru

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