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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Visualização das frases

[1542]. Carta de Antão da Fonseca, escrivão da fazenda, para António da Cunha, contador na comarca de Entre-Douro e Minho.

Autor(es) Antão da Fonseca      
Destinatário(s) António da Cunha      
In English

Family letter from Antão da Fonseca, farm registrar, to António da Cunha, accountant in Entre-Douro e Minho judicial district.

The author answers to all the questions in a letter he had received from his mother. They mostly concern trade, debts and news about family and friends. He bitterly complains about the lack of support given by his father in their trading business.

This letter is related to a set of other letters from Antwerp and London to Lisbon, written in 1542. Given the reference to D. Miguel da Silva being nominated cardinal in Rome, which took place in 1539, we conjecture that it was written in 1542.

This letter belongs to the collection Fragmentos, kept in the Torre do Tombo National Archive. This collection was initially composed by administrative and judicial documentation from the XVI century, which was too damaged to be included in the Corpo Cronológico or the Núcleo Antigo collections.

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Texto: -

Dioguo da costa me dise q lhe avyes lla de pedir Cta de huũs ijC zdos q deu a garçia de saa q he do dro do asemtmto do allmoxdo de pomte de lima os quais ouve elRey po bẽ q lhos levase Cta e pagamẽto no Ribeyro do q lhe avya de ẽtregar do dito asemtamẽto
e poq se avya d asemtar hũa Vba no allvra he leva e fico qua pa yso pa quamdo embora for vosa vymda e se meter qua na Cta pa aver nelle duvyda
farmeas mçe lhe dar po yso parte poque pasa asy na Vdade
ẽcomẽdome vosa mçe desta corte homde fyco a seu Svico
oje xj dias do mes de novembro
seu Svidor Amtã da oseca

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