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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1816]. Carta de autor não identificado para [Antonio Platillero].

Autor(es) Anónimo28      
Destinatário(s) Antonio Platillero      
In English

Letter with instructions from an unidentified author to one of his fellows, probably António Platillero.

The author informs his comrade about the location of the product of a robbery.

Stories about robberies and gangs, some of these really dangerous, were very often reported by the people who dared cross the country at that time. This case, like many others, shows how correct these memories were.

«My beloved brother.

First of all, health, a lot of health, caution, good sense in everything. If we make use of these means, nothing will be impossible. Thus, go through Santo António do Couço, straight to Benavila, straight to Monte do Parreira, straight to Monte do Caroço. In Monte do Caroço, ask directions to Monte da Misericórdia, which is a hillhouse just next to Monte do Caroço. However, the money is at Monte da Misericórdia. Arrive to the Monte when it's still day, so that you can figure out where the money is. As soon as you have an ideia of the location, go there at night. The door to the hillhouse faces the East, in the wall that is turned to the North, next to the corner that connects with "Cuevas". A high hand away from the corner, two hands and four fingers above the ground is the pot, about two hands inside the wall. There was a young cork-oak right in front of it. Take a bayonet, because the wall is very fresh. As for people, there are no more than two persons, since it is a small hill house. The money has been there for two years. The one who put the money there was arrested within three days. I'm absolutely sure it is there, be diligent. When he put the money there, the house wasn't even finished. That is between Alter and Benavila. The wall must be very soft, since it has been built not very long ago. That way, pay great atention! It's in the north wall, right on the corner of the "Cuevas" wall, a hand higher than the corner, two hands and four fingers above the floor. Go as soon as possible.»

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Mano do Co

Em, primero Lugar Saude mais saude Cautela Juizo para tudo Usando, destes meios nada, he, Empocivel pa fazerce, asim Vai por, Santo Antonio do Coce, dereto a bonavila dereto, o monte, do parera do parrera, dreto o monte, do parre, do Caroco, no monte do Caroco, pregunta, donde he o monte da mezeriCordia q he hum monte q esta mesmo, ao pe, do monte, do Caroco, porem donde esta o dinhero, he no monte da mezeriCordia Chegace, ao monte, de dia para, se saber pouco mais ao menos O Sitio donde esta o dinhero logo q se saiba pouco mais ao menos. Vai la de note a porta do monte, esta para a parte do naCente, na parede, q dis pa a parte do norte, ao pe da esquina, q dis para, e as Cueras desViado da esquina hum palmo Cresido LeVantado do Chão dois palmos, e Coatro dedos he que esta a dita panela metida dentro da parede Couza de dois palmos. tinha hum, xaparro defronte mesmo ao pe, Leva huma bauneta q a parede esta munto fresCa, pecoas, não ha, mais de duas, porq he hum, monte, piqueno o dinhero esta La a dois Annos. O tal q La, O meteo não teve senão tres dias Libradade Esta La Com toda serteza fas lhe, toda deLigencia quando La, o meteo ainda o monte não Estava aCabado, isto he Antre Alter e bonaVila a parede deve estar Munto moLe; por, ser feita de pouCo tenpo asim toma bem, sentido he na parede; do norte, mas mesmo ao pe, da, Esquina da parede das Cueras desviado hum, palmo Cresido da esquina Levantado do chão dois palmos e Coatro dedos. Vai com toda borbidade



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