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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1816. Carta de José Fernández para su hermano Juan Fernández, sastre.

Autor(es) José Fernández      
Destinatário(s) Juan Fernández      
In English

Letter from José Fernández to his brother Juan Fernández, a tailor.

The author asks his brother, Juan Fernández, to look for a person in Valladolid.

Following an accusation for the theft of a cloak, a vest and other items in Burgos; a prosecutor started a litigation against Miguel Díaz, a shoemaker native to Madrid. Manuel Pacheco met a man by the name of Miguel Díaz in Burgo´s Plaza Mayor. He helped him to look for a job in a workshop, sheltered and fed him for a month. One Sunday, Miguel Díaz asked Manuel Pacheco for a cloak, a pair of trousers, a shirt, a vest and a pair of shoes to go to mass and he never came back. Manuel Pacheco tried to find out Miguel Díaz´s whereabouts in order to reclaim his belongings. To this effect, and having evidences he had gone to Valladolid, Manuel Pacheco asked José Fernández to write to his brother, who lived in Valladolid, to try to find out if Miguel Díaz was there, as he happened to be. On the other hand, Manuel Pacheco wrote a letter to Juan Fernández in which he described the stolen clothes. These two letters (PS6262 and PS6263) were provided to the process´ documentation by Juan Fernández. Eventually, three other letters that Miguel Díaz left behind were also included (PS6264 to PS6266). Manuel Pacheco found the aforementioned letters and handed them to the process documentation «in the event it was necessary». Miguel Díaz was sentenced to two years of community work in Zamora, to return the clothes and to pay the expenses of the trial.

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A Dn Juan fernandz Maestro sastre Bibe plazuela bieja frente a la cantari lla de las hangustias En Valld Burg 4 de septe de 1816.

Mi m qrido Ermano supuestas las jenersles Paso a escribirte sin haber recibido la tuya la qe estoy Esperando solo con el intento de saber En qe estado se haya la salud de mi Ermana pues me alegrare qe esta la halle con algn halibio, y a el mismo tiempo Paso a decirte qe hagas El fabor de ber preguntar con disimulo En la calle de cantaran arimado del sastre Entrando por la plateria Para ir a tu casa En casa de un maestro Zapatero el ber si se halla un oficial de dicho oficio qe hace poco qe ha bajado de madrid Es bastante alto y esta bestido de pana berde botella y se se halla en esa qe no a marchado Estar con el alcalde de bario Para qe le retenga todo lo qe tenga En su poder pues a estado en casa de un amigo mio y le a robado una capa un pantalon y chaleco y mantencion de ds seman Pues creo es un malentretenido segun las cartas de madrid qe se hallan en esta Es quanto ocurre me alegrare de to la felicidad qe ocura En tu casa Recibe espresion de tod los de Esta casa Pues luego qe reciba la tuya sere mas largo y Manda A tu qerido Ermano qe desea el berte Josef fernandz



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