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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1768-1769]. Carta apócrifa de Bernardo Gómez Velasco, fingiendo ser anónima, para él mismo.

Autor(es) Bernardo Gómez Velasco      
Destinatário(s) Bernardo Gómez Velasco      
In English

Apocryphal letter from Bernardo Gómez Velasco, pretending to be anonymous, to himself.

The author writes to himself pretending to be someone else informing him of the proceeding initiated against him by the Council and the count of Aranda for the false letters the count had been receiving and warning him of he is going to be arrested.

This litigation against Bernardo Gómez y Velasco was initiated by the count of Aranda following several accusations of theft, murder of a woman, fraud and threats against Aranda. The defendant wrote several anonymous letters pretending to be someone else in order to get money from other people. During the interrogation he admitted to be the author of this letter to exculpate himself, which he pretended he had received. The enquiries were conducted first by the president of the Regional Council of Gipuzkoa and later by the Chancery of Valladolid, following Aranda´s direct orders, who decided how everything had to be done in this proceeding and urged the president to sentence. The defendant was accused of being "a treacherous murderer, a road bandit, a famous thief, a deceiver, a perjurer and a sacrilegious", and he was condemned "to the gallows and then his head and his right hand to be cut from his corps in order to fix them in a high stick. The head will be located next to the cross of Inunciaga on the way from Oñate to Legarpia, and the hand in Bilbao in a public place". Subsequently, the Crime Court commuted the sentence for a prison one and for "public shame", apart from 10 year´s imprisonment in Africa forced to do public works, with dead penalty in case he tried to avoid it. He was acquitted from the chargers of murder. All the letters presented were taken into account as exhibits against him.

This letter was seized in the house of the defendant´s brother-in-law, together with another one, as it was attested in the other letter by the scrivener: "[...] the defendant´s brother-in-law, they were delivered in his house and shop".

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

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Bernardo Gomez Velasco que hace rosarios ge Dios ms as Mondragon

Amigo Bernardo Ya te ha savido el Conde de Aranda y el Consejo las drogas que has hecho el año pasado, haciendo cartas falsas y te han de hacer preso antes de ocho días y asi esconde todo quanto tienes y tu tambien adonde no te encuentren, y si te encuentran as de negar todo y escarmientate para siempre

puedes crer cierto cierto todo lo que te digo porque yo se ciertamente y te aviso en secreto pero si estas cierto que no te pueden probar pensaras bien lo que mas te combiene hacer



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