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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1709. Carta de Escolástica Josefa Margarida e Nápoles de Castel Branco para Manuel de Freitas Aranha, bacharel.

Autor(es) Escolástica Josefa Margarida e Nápoles de Castel Branco      
Destinatário(s) Manuel de Freitas Aranha      
In English

Private letter from Escolástica Josefa Margarida e Nápoles de Castel Branco to Manuel de Freitas Aranha, bachelor.

50/5000 The author asks the recipient to come and fetch her.

These letters are part of the testimony and inquiries of Manuel de Freitas Aranha and lady Escolástica Josefa Margarida e Nápoles de Castel Branco, widow of João Saraiva Ribeiro, about betrothal promises they had made. According to the petitioner, lady Escolástica Josefa had made those promises against the will of her parents and feared to be discovered and mistreated by them. The petitioner wanted to give bail to be received by power of attorney, so that he was able to take her away from home in secret. The request was deferred, the "baths" were run for 2,000 cruzados and the marriage was consummated.

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Meu Freitas tirame daqui hoje emfalivelmte porq anda ca o diabo solto e asim q espero por ti pelas nove horas se me quizeres mandar dizer alguma couza escreve per esta molher e escuzas de ca mandar o cochicho a tarde e Asï q gde pelos annos do meu dezo

Tua athe morte



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