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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1683. Carta de Pedro Galvete y Andueta para su hermano Joseph Galvete y Andueta.

Autor(es) Pedro Galvete y Andueta      
Destinatário(s) Joseph Galvete y Andueta      
In English

Letter from Pedro Galvete y Andueta to his brother Joseph Galvete y Andueta.

The author writes his brother, Joseph Galvete, to inform him about his noviciate and about his latest travels.

In 1717, Pedro Galvete brought a lawsuit against Lucas Ignacio de Samaniego y Jaca, demanding from him the money he was entitled to as the heir of the entail founded by Francisco Galvete, his grandfather. The testament of Francisco Galvete stated that the entail was to be inherited by his firstborn, José, the father of Ana María. When José died, the entail was inherited by Ana María Galvete and her husband, Lucas Ignacio. But the testament stated also that Pedro Galvete and his heirs were entitled to a lifelong income of 100 ducats. Ana María and her husband did not pay him this income, alleging that they have too many debts, and this was the cause of the lawsuit. In the first instance, Ana María and Lucas tried to question the legitimacy of Pedro, but this was proved false, and the court ruled in favour of Pedro. They appealed the sentence, and in the second instance they tried to demonstrate that the entail was in ruins and that they have many debts. Eventually, they were sentenced to pay an annual income of 30 ducats to Pedro, because the value of the entail had diminished, and other minor sums. Moreover, they had to pay the costs of the trial, all the outstanding debt, and a fine. All the letters were joined to the proceedings as proofs, along with the documentation.

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Jueves a beinteihuno de ogtubre llege a esta cassa i el no aber llegado antes fue por haber estado detenido dos dias i medio en huna ciudad que llaman horense para buscar en que benir dende alli a Zelanoba porque en orense entrege la Mula a los mozos que bolbian las Mulas de San Millan porque no quisieron pasar conmigo a zelanoba luego que llege di las cartas a Nuestro P, abad el qual me ha echo i haze mucho agasajo Juntamente con el Pe Mo de nobizios que es Religioso mui obserbante i birtuoso, biernes sigiente me exsaminaron i me entraron en el Nobiziado mas asta haora no nos an dado el abbito por esperar a o-tros que ia no pueden tardar que tanbien an de tomar el abbito, mas me pareze que no tardaremos a tomarlo otros dos i io que ia estan en casa segun el animo tiene nuestro Pe abbad, La caussa de no haber escrito despues que bine es porque el sabbado passado quando quise escribir me digo mi Maestro que no tenia que escribir entonzes porque asta oi no habia de haber quien llebara las cartas i asi por esso no he escrito asta oi io llege bueno a Dios grazias i tambien a el presente lo estoi i mui gustoso de hestar en huna cassa tan santa; lo que le suplico a Vmd es que me encomiende a Dios que me de gracia para que le sirba; a mi señora Doña Isabel le dara Vmd muchas memorias, Dios gde a Vmd los años de mi desseo.

Zelanoba a 30 de ogtubre de 16683 Pirmo de Vmd que su mano Bessa, Pedro Galvete Po i Sr mio Sr Dn Jsph Galvete i Angiano.

habisarame Vmd si hizo pedazos la zedula que enbio a quintana que me la deje olbidada el dia que sali de essa ciudad porque io la truje de quinta para darsela a Vmd porque ia lo deje io ajustado; lo que debia; dira Vmd a mi hermana que quando escirba se esmere lo mas que fuere possible porque asi las cartas que escirbimos como las que nos escriben las lehe el abbad i el P Mo de nobizios



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