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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1677. Carta de Catalina Gertrudis de Jesús María para su sobrino Francisco Antonio Porcel de los Cobos.

Autor(es) Catalina Gertrudis de Jesús María      
Destinatário(s) Francisco Antonio Porcel de los Cobos      
In English

Letter from Catalina Gertrudis de Jesús María to her nephew Francisco Antonio Porcel de los Cobos.

The author asks her nephew to visit several people to pay her respects and to thank them for their help and for the correspondence they maintain with her.

In 1674 Francisco Antonio Porcel de los Cobos brought before the Justice his claim for the possession of the entailed state founded by Luisa de los Ríos (his paternal great-grandmother). At the time, the state was being managed by Fernando Melchor Amador de Lezcano y de los Ríos, a first cousin of the plaintiff´s alleged father. Admittedly, the claim was based on Francisco Antonio Porcel´s filiation, who assured being a natural son of Antonio Porcel and Antonia Godínez. In addition to the title deeds contemplating the direct legitimate line of succession, Francisco Antonio Porcel guaranteed to have a document signed by his grandfather, Francisco Porcel de Molina, proving his filiation. The defendant party presented several allegations in order to defend themselves from this claims. At first they focused in procedural questions, such as Fernando Melchor´s jurisdiction or the illegality of Francisco Antonio Porcel de los Cobos appearing before the Court as a poor man. However, the most relevant contradictions revolved around the plaintiff´s identity and filiation. First of all, they denied the defendant´s name as being Francisco Antonio Porcel de los Cobos and assured his real name was Francisco Martínez Peñalver, after the woman who mothered him: Catalina Peñalver, also known as “tía Peñalver” (aunt Peñalver). On the other hand, they doubted Antonio Porcel´s paternity, given that it was well known that Antonia Godínez had lived in an unlawful way and had had frequent affairs with several men, amongst them, her future husband, Antonio de Yzcara. But above all else, they insisted in the not genuine character of the document allegedly signed by Francisco Porcel de Molina. They based their argument not in the calligraphic survey, but in a testimony that referred to falsification of documents in exchange of money. Likewise, they provided witnesses who assured that the defendant was never treated as a relative or as Antonio Porcel´s natural son at Porcel´s household. Francisco Antonio Porcel de los Cobos provided several exhibits in order to prove his claim. Apart from the aforementioned documentation, he also presented letters proving he was treated as family by the Porcels (through his aunt, Catalina Gertrudis de Jesús María) and by the Godínezes. Besides, he had a statement from Fray Juan Godínez, Antonia Godínez´s brother, in which a detailed account of Antonio Porcel and Antonia Godínez´s relationship was given, including a document signed by Antonio Porcel in which he expresses his commitment to marry the girl. Nevertheless, Fernando Melchor argued against these testimonies and, quite specifically, against the letters. He not only considered them fake, but also not evidentiary, as well as complicating Francisco Antonio Porcel´s testimonial ratification. Therefore, in the case of Catalina Gertrudis´ letters, he considered they did not prove a previous acquaintance, given that she was aware of her nephew´s existence only after the correspondence began. And that seemed to be the case for the rest of the relatives, according to the information from the letters themselves. This opinion was shared regarding another group of letters written by Juan de Escabías Caravajal, not only because they were definitively false, but also because the defendant considered them not valid due to his litigation with the author´s sister, Francisca de Carvajal. In 1679, the Chancellery of Granada ruled that Francisco Antonio Porcel de los Cobos had not proved sufficiently his claim. The sentence was confirmed by the Council after taking it through a review process.

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Jesus Maria Joseph

Sean siempre en su alma de mi querido hijo enrriquiziendole con los inestimables dones de su divo amor y grazia como mi sr puede comunicarle y io le suplico inzezablemente en mis pobres oraziones sobrino de mi alma por aber escrito con el sr rrezeptor no Respondi a la de Vmd co el correo pasado en este lo hago con todo gusto que le aseguro a mi sobrino que en esta vida no tengo otro mayor que el rrato que hago esto y el que leo sus cartas si bien con la mortifiçazion de ser por medios tan limitados y pension de escritos mi sr si conviene me conzeda el que bea a Vmd y hable despazio que poderoso es su diva mgd pa todo esa carta del mo espinosa rrezibi oi si esa de Don Diego conviene que la de el sto varon como dio las otras tres mi sobrino se sirba de ir a llebarla y visitarlo de mi pte sinificandole lo que estime el fabor de sus letras y el q la mrd que a vmd le haze y lo mucho que siento su poca salud que ya e escrito a mi ha la me capuchina como su mrd me lo manda y tambien cumpla vmd por mi con el sr don Joseph de Villalta sinificandole con el cuidado que me tiene hasta saber si llego con salud a esa ziudad que quede mui faborezida en aber vesado su mano sintiendo el que sus ocupaziones no diesen lugar a merezerlo segunda vez y a mi sa doña Josefa que estimo y agradezco con ygual afecto toda la mrd fabores y honrras que me haze por la suia y mas en particular me hallo cada dia de nuebo obligada y sumamente agradezida a la caridad que asi su mrd como el sr don baltasar y esos sres mios sus hijos hazen a mi querido sobrino de todo sea mi sr asi a sus mrds como a todos los que le hazen bien a vmd el premio en esta vida y en la eterna de la bienabenturanza adonde me haga digna su diva mgd goze de mi amado hijo por un espazio sin fin de te eternidades de Dios Amen Amen Amen baeza d este convto de sta cata de Abril 20 de 1677

De mi querido sobrino de quien en Dios y por Dios y pa Dios lo ama mas que a si Cata getrudis de Jesus maria

luego que rreziba mi sobrino esta estimare me haga Vmd mrd de hazerle una visita de mi parte a nra sa de grazia pidiendole a su mgd por la salud de una amiga rreligiosa que le devo mucho y esta mui de peligro y se lo pida a nro pe fr Diego lo haga su pd en sus stos sacrifizios dandole mis humildes y afectos rrecados



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