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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1831. Carta de Maria do Rosário para o marido, António Fernandes, vendedor de mechas.

Autor(es) Maria do Rosário      
Destinatário(s) António Fernandes      
In English

Family letter from Maria do Rosário to her husband, António Fernandes, fuse seller.

The author tells her husband, imprisoned, that she will put up the path to go see him.

José Moreira and António Fernandes were arrested for the theft of some objects (towels, a key, a razor, among other belongings) from the Ermida de Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres, in Derrainha.

«My beloved António, I take or ask someone to write to settle my spirit, as it has been so restless ever since you failed to show up at home, 12 days ago, after departing from here; I don’t know your whereabouts. I’ve just received the sad news of your imprisonment, whose cause I ignore, I don’t know if it was due to turmoil or due to the lack of something that would ask you the corks. Your son and I, we long for your company, even just for a moment, because you are well aware that I don’t have any other protection but yours. As soon as I was told the sad news, I was overwhelmed, with no strength, crying, pitying my dark fate and my current situation. Now that I found a holder for this letter in that land, I send you this one to truly understand what I should do, or whom should I talk to, so that we can decide what to do. My letter is accompanied by this other letter, from João Mexieiro, as you know him well, and he was the one who gave me the news. I’m ready to get on my way, leaving the boy somewhere, and start looking for you. At the same time, ask for alms, for the love of God, for the believers, just to see you and go along. You do this, poor life. Send me the answer, without fault, because you know I’m in need.

From your wife, today, 25th January, 1831, Maria Rosário»

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Meu Anto do Coração

Pego ou mando escrever pa sucegar o meu Espirito pois tão dezocegado anda despois tu faltares a tua caza hoje 12 dias despois que tu fostes daqui sem saber adonde tu estas agora que me davão a triste noticia q estavas Prezo emgonoro a cauza sem saber qual se foi pr dezordem ou pr falta de algua couza q te pedisse as cortiças; Eu e nosso fo esta-mos dezejando a tua Ca pr mumentos pois bem sabes q não temos outro Esteio, senão tu. Asim q me derão a triste noticia de semelhante couza fiquei Traspedissima sem siria algua deramando mtas Lagrimas lastimando a ma Negra penna e na situasão em q me acho. Agora q tenho Portador pa essa Terra mando esta pa verdadeiramente saber o q hei de fazer ou a qm hei de hir falar pa com efeito sabermos o q avemos de fazer Ahi vai essa carta com esta q de João Mexieiro pois tu o bem conhesses pois este q me deu esta boa notiçia. Eu estou pronta a porme a Camo e deixar o pequeno em alguma pte e hir a tua procura, o mmo tempo hir pedindo hua Ezmolla pr Amor de Deus pelos os Fieis pr te ver e e junttamte ir

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