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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1828. Carta de João Geraldes de Matos, prior, para João Paulo Fabre Teixeira da Silva, porteiro real.

Autor(es) João Geraldes de Matos      
Destinatário(s) João Paulo Fabre Teixeira da Silva      
In English

The author justifies his behaviour by evoquing the acclamation of D. Miguel

The defendants in this process are Maria Isabel Barreto de Pina and Gertrudes Magna, both accused of stealing in the house of the Counselor José da Cunha Filhado, who had passed away. The complaint was presented by Gertrudes Caetana Fialho, sister of the deceased and married to João Paulo Fabre. Due to the lack of evidences, the defendants were considered not guilty , but the complainant contested the decision. The defense argued that the letters presented as proof of guilty had no value, since most of they didn’t even have stamps. Some of the letters were believed to have been written by the complainant’s acquaintances or by herself, Gertrudes Fialho. The process contains a petition signed by the people of Torres Vedras, on the defendant’s behalf.

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Illmo Snr, e Amo Torres Vas 3 de Maio etc 1828

Pelo Correio de 4a feira escrevi a VSa par-ticipando-lhe o que havia de novo. O seo novo Cazeiro - Marcos - começou a a cavar no 1o do Corrente, e parece-me, que VSa está agora mto bem servido de Cazeiro. O Home - Leonissa - acaba de fazer a sua Confissão Geral em Varatojo; isto em quanto a mim he pa os Relijiozos lhe Valerem em alguma aflição; mas quem o Conhecer, que o Compre; porque a mim ja elle me não embaça. Fernando diz, que Com a brevidade possi-vel lhe remetterá a Copia dos papeis da Intendencia. O Corregedor Convocou por of-ficios a todos os Parochos do Termo, pa as-

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