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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1710. Carta de Santiago Caballero, alguacil de campo, para Francisco de Zorrilla.

Autor(es) Santiago Caballero      
Destinatário(s) Francisco de Zorrilla      
In English

Letter from Santiago Caballero, a rural bailiff, to Francisco de Zorrilla.

The author informs Francisco de Zorrilla about Lorenza de Zorrilla´s death.

This litigation was issued in 1710 by the Crown Prosecutor against Antonio Gallo and his partners for the escape of seven inmates from the prison of Valladolid. Antonio Gallo, a rural bailiff, was accused of several offences and frauds and also of making use of his position to make extortions and release some defendants. Several bailiffs were subsequently investigated and two other cases were opened: one against Santiago Caballero for unlawful treatment and another one against Juan Pedro Flores for cohabitation and injurious words. As a whole, 6 letters linking these two parts are contained in the process documentation: 4 of them are related to Santiago Caballero´s litigation (PS6245, PS6246, PS6247 y PS6250), and the other 2 letters (PS6248 y PS6249) belong to Pedro Flores´ litigation. Santiago Caballero was accused of having unlawful treatments in Valladolid with María Santos de Olalla, a widow from Haro (La Rioja) who became pregnant. He was also accused of giving her an abortive drink. Juan Pedro Flores, also a rural bailiff, was accused of cohabitating with several women (married and single); of causing disturbances and quarrels; and of having said injurious words against various people, Santiago Caballero among them.

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Page 19r

mui sr mio Doi quenta a vsm como aviendo llegado a esta ziudad con la carta de vsm y de la señora madalena y Preguntando por lorenza zorilla abia tres dias abia muertto y todo su caudal lo quedo afeito a unas capellanias de que me quedo por patrono unico y solo mando dozientos ducados a una sovrina que tenia con ella que llaman Josepha pesame el no aber llegado a tiempo para aber sido de provecho en algo que a ver benido con tiempo no quedara vsm sin manda esso no tiene Remedio a la señora madalena que si gusta la busque convenienzia como para su persona lo are con mucho gusto. a la señora mari santos mis memorias y que si no ai tinta ni pluma para escrivir sentire sea por falta de voluntad o por algun disgusto que yo la aya echo. a la naBara muchos Recados y que mande de esta su cassa Valladolid y mayo 20 de 1710 an

s s de vsm y amigo Santiago Cavallero sr franco zoRilla

espero Respuesta y si ai alGuna nobedad si estan todoabia con el coRejidor y de lo demas avillso

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